IGF down and dirty

yes i am curious to see the results.
how many minutes before the gym you get igf3, do you also get carbo in the same time?
Ya hour to 45 minutes I take 30 of whey and 80 g oatmeal in a shake pre workout

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Many people may be interested in MC IGF-LR3 but are confused about a few things. It is the purpose of this thread to answer some of those questions and clear up the confusion.

Why should I take IGF?

IGF is a great resource for anyone looking to add quality size. Without going into the science behind the compound, IGF assist the body to shuttle nutrients into the muscle much like insulin.

What should I expect?
The most out of the world pumps that you have ever had.Another thing that you will see is that IGF will help in the healing of injuries. There have been hundreds of examples of people making remarkable comebacks from injuries with the use of IGF. It is rumored that when Ray Lewis make his comeback from a torn triceps, he was taking IGF.

What are the protocols/nutritional needs to get the best results?

With IGF you are the boss. You can take it anytime as it is active for 24 hours. I have been taking mine pre workout and have had the most awesome pumps of my life. I also take it on off days as that is when you are healing and growing.
You also need to get in a lot of quality carbohydrates while taking IFG. The more the better as your body will be shuttling both protein and carbohydrates into the muscle. It has been said that the more carbohydrates you take in, the bigger the pump.

Are there any side effects?

There is the possibility of a person going hypoglycemic or low blood sugar as IGF will use carbohydrate and shuttle them into the muscle, lack of enough carbohydrate could cause your blood sugar to drop. As per the answer above, make sure you get in enough quality carbohydrates.

What is the recommended dose?

Once again, that is up to you. I have read that some people get great result on 30mcg dosages for extended periods of time and I have read of people going up to 200mcg. I would recommend starting at 30mcg and seeing how you respond. Just as with anything, if you can get good results at a lower dose, then why do more?

How long should one bottle last?

That all depends on dosage, but if you do 30mcg you should last for about 30 days. 1000/30 = 33.3
8. How long can I stay on?

How long can I take IGF

A person can take IGF as long as they choose to. There is older reserach that states you need to cycle on and off every 14 days, however currently I have read about people being on for months and even years and still seeing results with lower dosages.

Can females take IGF?

Absolutely – If you will check the threads, you will find many ladies that will give their testimony of the positive results from IGF.

Do I need to add BAC water to my order?

NO for many reasons but the IGF from MC is ready to be used when it arrives. The addition of any other agent will only degrade the IGF.

Very good What, When Why, How and How much IGF 1 lr3 quick guideline.