I'M back Arrested wanna hear it?

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Hey Bro's,
Well I have been absent for some time now and I will explain why.
First this all happened and I have records to prove it, secondly what I say actually happened no matter how bullshit it may sound.

About a month ago I was arrested by a investigation team for solicitating and conspiracy to deal and traffic in illegal class 3 controlled substances.

Apparently I named a source who was busted by an undercover cop. Well I was one of many who referred thei guy.

So asking and referring sources is ILLEGAL! NO BS.

As for having in posession thats all been dismissed. I wont go into that now.
However, I will tell you that giving out sources and asking and attempting to buy from any and ordering from another country trying to import all is a Felony!
Plain and simple.
I wont BS here just tell you that Things are much better now, I cannot however name names but I have learned my lesson and all you thinking about ordering or asking for sources should be aware, You will get busted if you order from a source who gets popped!

Any questions PM me, but this is all I will make public, and for those of you who had my back and such thank you, your true friends.
I never gave any info I was asked and everything went through my attorney. I recommend you buyt the book "legal muscle" by rick collins if you are even thinking of anything like this....just FYI it helped.
Thanks bro.
Also, I had to sell Rockymountainresearchproducts.com. It and all control have been sold to Crimsonsweat. he will have it up and running very soon for everyone. I trust he can do a good job and has the same connections I did for good quality and better service. There was legal issues and it was easier to relinquish the company instead of have a court battle.

So look for it soon, I'm sure presser wont mind me posting this.
Presser thanks for getting my back to bro.
Man, that really sucks. Glad you're okay, and it's good to have you back.
Thanks bro's but I can offer some good advice now..lol especially on sources..lol
Would you guys say there is more risk of getting popped ordering from an online source or from someone local.
online...local you can see something suspicious and know whats up, ask someone online and they start an investigation on ya and build a case bro.
Hey Strider, How about Hooking Me Up With A Good Source!!

Just Playin Man, Sorry To Hear About The Bad News :(

You Have To Stay On Your Toes!!
I agree with you fulforb, I see scumbags dealing crack ect. on the street corners and cops drive right by. Leave us alone, we don't hurt anybody and are just normal people who want an edge. Anyway I had to get that off my chest. Good to have you back Strider. Sorry to hear about the bad luck!!!
strider, I'd consult a good lawyer. it may be the best investment you will ever make. i am not a lawyer - although I aspire to be - and cannot therefore offer any legal advice (as it is also against the law to dispense legal advice without being a licensed attorney).

If you do consult an attorney I believe the term entrapment will inevitably be discussed to a great extent. I obviously don't know the details of your situation, but things aren't as cut and dry as you describe.

What agency/s were involved in your investigation and exactly who and how did they ask for the source? IN MY OPINION, that is crucial.

Good luck brotha. Best of luck to you.
Sucks bro. Sorry to hear all that. Good luck.

Question. When you say 'online source', do you mean, just a guy that's selling stuff online or a lab overseas or something? I've been wondering about this sort of thing, myself.

And yeah, it sucks that drug enforcement feels the need to deal with things like this when there are much bigger problems to attend to.