I'M back Arrested wanna hear it?

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jacked1 said:
strider, I'd consult a good lawyer. it may be the best investment you will ever make. i am not a lawyer - although I aspire to be - and cannot therefore offer any legal advice (as it is also against the law to dispense legal advice without being a licensed attorney).

If you do consult an attorney I believe the term entrapment will inevitably be discussed to a great extent. I obviously don't know the details of your situation, but things aren't as cut and dry as you describe.

What agency/s were involved in your investigation and exactly who and how did they ask for the source? IN MY OPINION, that is crucial.

Good luck brotha. Best of luck to you.

Yeah bro I did that cost me a pretty penny too!

well entrapment wasnt mentioned but however they did have my email and shit etc.
but what happened was if you order from online it can be federal offense by mail. we pounded this into the dirt.

they asked by naming what steroids they wanted and asked for a source that has legit stuff, they even said "you dont have to contact them just let me know who has legit stuff i dont want to be ripped off again bro" it was somebody we all knew im sure.
I cant say or face penalty of charges again, so be careful and good luck, but im sure the cops are reading this and laughing and saying ha ha.. well when you use a swat team to bust down a door for a controlled deliver, wasting our taxpaying dollars.
you can guarantee your private life better be unsullied because i will follow you around with a video camera and catch every moment of your life to make sure your just as clean as those you arrest.

why is there no drug test in law enforcement, since they want to ban all prohormones and such drug test are and should be mandatory for law enforcement at random or captians choice, or even better internal affairs.

think about this, and what happened to the stuff that was confiscated?
destroyed, yeah right. show me.

nobody's perfect, i mean nobody, ..hit your kid in public and someone calls welfare, have a drink after work and someone will watch you leave the bar and drive...there is always somebody watching.

Ok now thats off my chest..lol
swolja said:
Sucks bro. Sorry to hear all that. Good luck.

Question. When you say 'online source', do you mean, just a guy that's selling stuff online or a lab overseas or something? I've been wondering about this sort of thing, myself.

And yeah, it sucks that drug enforcement feels the need to deal with things like this when there are much bigger problems to attend to.

ok bro by online sources i mean any local USA distributer of illegal drugs, overseas guys they cant do shit to but flag them at customs or put them on the import watch list thats all.

things can come through and they watch and deliver then bust you like hell with all the evidence of the delivers and then get you for federal crimes of trafficking, and intent to distribute and all those good things that are a federal level.

when local guys get popped because people post shit so openly anymore if you do consider your source tainted and its over for you as well..thats the biggest mistake anyone can ever make ..peroid!

im not offering legal advice here just keep your ass clean
let it out man! let it all out!!!
fuck the police, fuck the police, and i say with authority...(singing NWA song thats all )

Same thing happened to a friend a few years ago.. very innocent and he was a good bro. Spent a lot of money getting it to go away. Sorry to hear that, and am sorry you had to go through that shit, but I see this happenning more and more in the near future instead of focusing on terrorists, etc..
That sucks strider, sorry to hear of your agony. I want to know why cops don't take drug tests? I mean these people are above the law or what? How can we as the people do something about cops being tested for drugs and other stuff, i say fight back!!!! i sponsor my local PD but come on now this is BS, when i see drug dealers on every corner and cops just pass by. I am clean and have had thoughts in the near future to do it but more and more i see how the government is F-ing us. They got rid of Ephedra, now Bush signed a bill to ban Pro-Hormones, whats next? Creatine, Whey? And i voted for the guy too. :angry:
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I'm just catching this thread now. Sorry to hear about your problem. That sucks and I wish you the best of luck in solving it.

Btw-Ronnie Coleman is a cop. He's also 7x Mr.Olympia. Isn't he tested? Hmmm...does anyone else see a problem with that picture?
I'm sorry to hear that bro, I'm glad your all right now. Just goes to show how dangerous all of this is.