I'm going to run a log of two cycles with different brands

Pimp juice huh? Well I will look into slapping a hoe with
with that one.. I will see what I can find.

i don't want added water weight, face burning or upset stomach.

i tried jacked and it was ok but I have grown
accustomed to it now so it doesn't work.
i need something stronger than caffeine but not as strong
as cocaine lol
Pimp juice huh? Well I will look into slapping a hoe with
with that one.. I will see what I can find.

i don't want added water weight, face burning or upset stomach.

i tried jacked and it was ok but I have grown
accustomed to it now so it doesn't work.
i need something stronger than caffeine but not as strong
as cocaine lol
Try a little kratom pwo sometimes you dont need a stimulant

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So a few more days and we're starting!
im missing to components to this and reliability has become
somewhat of an issue.

so my cycle will be bulking of
test cyp

transition to the cutting will be
test cyp low dose
tren ace
anavar and winny both oral.

My current stats
6'1 (at least that's what they are saying at pre contest measurements)
261 at 14.3% bf
i have peaked and plateaued where im
at so I need a boost to get beyond that.

i will be competing in two upcoming
events. I will post pics but as plain as I can
because im sure some will recognize me
From my magazine shoot and online videos

i will disclose all that after I win lol
I second Mr. Hyde and recommend the cherry bomb flavor since I don't like the taste of their blue razz and couldn't stand the cotton candy flavor. I also used to use 1MR, but for me it lost its effects after about a week.
My old pre-workout was Vortex, im looking at BPI or the animal stacks pre workout..
any recommendations for pumps and energy?

- - - Updated - - -

Im loaded up with Carnivore protein, I am also going to run EAS brand shakes on the go with the 42grams of protein per shake. I don't like the fat content but its the only fatty substance I will be consuming in the next 6 months.

Love those shakes, hard to find them now days in stores, now all you see is the lower protein premade shakes, but I have been looking for those premade MYOPLEX for a while now, I may have to order online
i found them by the case at Sams Club.

i am using VEX pre-workout and I love it.

i don't have everything I need yet so I haven't started my
log yet. I don't want to get started and not have
itall set out. I did find a sponsor and sent
samples off for testing.

I am going to up my test and tren dose because..well
its a small dose and I'm looking to break 280 lbs.
Pimp juice huh? Well I will look into slapping a hoe with
with that one.. I will see what I can find.

i don't want added water weight, face burning or upset stomach.

i tried jacked and it was ok but I have grown
accustomed to it now so it doesn't work.
i need something stronger than caffeine but not as strong
as cocaine lol

All those pre workouts are just caffeine. It's as simple as that. Get yourself some bronkaid or injectable ephedrine, take 50mg's and a scoop of whatever bobo brand pre workout you like and your set.
I wanted to give a shout out to Robolics for the
quality products.
I started at:
500mg test cyp
400 deca

my cycle so far has been smooth.
Im currently at 6'1 261.
i consume 6 meals a day, eating every two hours.
my goal is to be 280 and break some new

i will be getting this log caught up.
any questions feel free to ask

i had to remove the igf-1lr3 from my log.
im using Vex as my pre-workout and I love it!
Just a Guy, I am sorry and I am not insulting u are anyone. I respect MC!
What I wanna say is in this thread u started someone's gear 11-20-17 according to this thread. I run test cyp and deca for at least 10-12 weeks how long u ran it?
Because according to what you are saying about mbp in another thread how can u have have time to get one lab out your system and start another to compare in that short of time.
Sorry brother but I would wanna know because u are making me think cause I was gonna try mbp!

I don't wanna bash or insult u and not at all but I am confused!
Any way I figured if u ran this cycle and it was g2g why change?
I know robo is g2g I know guys who use them. I also know mbp is g2g I know guys who use them as well.
U pop up now and then and promise a log and don't come thru or u got another problem.
I wouldn't listen to anything u say just by what I have seen here and today and everytime u pop up.
I apologize to MC for this but things like this that hurt honest sponsors hurt our community in my opinion.
If anyone thinks any of this makes sense let me know.