im so phucked

jaywooly said:
If you read my following post it explains everything. I don't give a shit what they think anyway.

That's a shame, jay.
If I didn't give a shit about what the people here thought, I wouldn't waste my time on this site ;)
I think Sachet hit it on the head. She wants to be the one that makes you want to get freaky, not witness it right in front of her. IMO, that's your wife. You owe her a little extra consideration than another person warrants. Doesn't neccesarily have to make sense to you, but her feelings should carry a little extra weight just because of who she is.
Of course you should remember that this opinion is comming from someone with 2 marriages behind him. LOL
First, bring her home some flowers and then go down on her for an hour.

Ok, and when she trys to drag you down into that Im pissed at you mode sort of ignore it and tell her you love her and call her from work with short conversations telling her you love her.

I'd try this strategy for a few days. If the bad mood persists abandon strategy because she will thoink you are ignoring her. Even though you were only ignoring her bad mood.

Why do this, because like a child wanting attention for a scraped knee or something she may if this persists try to milk this for more then its worth. A few days is more then enough time to be upset!

PS lol when you chimed in ok its 20 minutes later and the situation is still phucked.

Glad you havent checked in evey 20 minutes.