Incline bench illusion


Since my back surgery 5 yrs ago i can't flat bench ,i can only do incline work, so the last 5yrs thats all ive been doin, i have a 52" chest but since i bought upy upper pecs it looks alot larger, just look in the mirror and lmagine anothet 2-3" on your upper pecs, i also do alot of side delt work for the illusion of being alot wider .... Hey, when your 51yrs old you gotta use every trick you can.
at 51 your way ahead of the curve just steppin into the gym, and a lot of people don't even do any flat bench chest work
OP, I stopped doing any kind of presses with barbells when I was your age due to nagging injuries. Have you tried flat bench dumb bell presses?
I slack on incline so my chest certainly looks smaller than what it is. The bodybuilding illusion is definitely an interesting illusion
OP, I stopped doing any kind of presses with barbells when I was your age due to nagging injuries. Have you tried flat bench dumb bell presses?
I really cant lay flat, unless i put both legs up on the bench ,which i do from time to time with flyes, but cant really go heavy due to balancing issues with no legs on the ground for stability. But thnx for the advice.
I would do more regular free weight incline benching if I had a training partner to spot me. I've been using hammer strength machines to do decline and incline work, sometimes the smith. The only thing I don't like is that the incline machine isn't really truly an incline IMO. You sit upright and push away and up. I've seen machines at other gyms out of my state that are actually at an incline like the Atlantis incline. I would rather use that as it feels much better, seems more correct anatomically speaking. Wish they would get them here.

Developing the upper part of the pecs does make your chest look bigger, and it probably is! I've been concentrating on doing more incline work, and I can definitely say it adds to the overall size. It also adds to your strength. The whole pec is involved in any chest movement whether incline or decline, so when you work all angles, strength goes up more than it would if you were just training decline.
Is your avatar fairly recent delcapone? Impressive either way !

Yea, that was last winter, my normal winter bulk is the classic, test/Deca/D-bol 12 week cycle, March, April, May- so June 1st im ready for the tank top! Last year i replaced the deca with Tren-e, really glad i did i went from 224lbs to 248lbs which is normal, the difference was i got leaner and dropped B.F.%, so guess what im doing this winter? The funny thing is i never take pics of myself, i had shingles in that pic, i wanted to see what it looked like, so when my girl took the pick i did a lat spread, when i seen the pic i had to keep lookin at it, thinkin wholly shit my back is pretty wide. My girls always saying "how big do you wanna get"? When i look in the mirror im never big enuff, never cut enuff, i guess thats why Arnold said "to be a bodybuilder you must become OBSESSED" which ive been for 30+ years. Like i tell my girl this isnt something where you get to a point that yoi look in the mirror and say " there this is what i wanna look like ,and put the weight down and walk away. That was a long winded answer but just had my morning coffee. Lol thnx for the compliment presser, you aint lookin too bad yourself, how old are you?
me im 18 years old lol lol ok im 39 but havent taken pics in a while, but look as good as i e ever looked however my kidneys been throbbing bad lately so the years of wear and tare are catching up to me lol
at 51 your way ahead of the curve just steppin into the gym, and a lot of people don't even do any flat bench chest work
yeah, im thick headed. lol Im almost 56 and still go heavy. It is really because I am lazy. Heavy low rep in my opinion is WAY
EASIER then high reps. High reps hurt my joints more also. Funny, when I am benching all the other old guys tell me Im crazy
and what the hell am i doing. lol If they could I bet they would be doing the same.
me im 18 years old lol lol ok im 39 but havent taken pics in a while, but look as good as i e ever looked however my kidneys been throbbing bad lately so the years of wear and tare are catching up to me lol
Damn, you were way ahead of me at that.age, back then you really had to be connected to score A.A.S., i schooled myself thru Dan Duchaines underground steroid handbooks, at 34 after 16 yrs of natty lifting i found some Steris test cyp. Which was h.g. 100$ a bottle i bought 5 bottles without blinkin an eye , man did get swole, my bench went from 365 for 4 ,to 455 for 2 in 12 weeks. Its true you should train natty for a while first it makes a big diff. Maybe not 16yrs but at least 2 steady yrs. Oh and sustanon amps were 20$ a each. Estrogen blockers were something you only read about, if they had the internet wen i was young, id probobly be dead by now, or a pro bodybuilder, or nationally ranked powerlifter, cuz im all or nothing.
yeah, im thick headed. lol Im almost 56 and still go heavy. It is really because I am lazy. Heavy low rep in my opinion is WAY
EASIER then high reps. High reps hurt my joints more also. Funny, when I am benching all the other old guys tell me Im crazy
and what the hell am i doing. lol If they could I bet they would be doing the same.
I hear ya Bro, i dont know how many times i scheduled 2 mos. Of low weight high rep. #1 It is alot harder..#2 my ego would get in the way and i'd start throwin plates on
I hear ya Bro, i dont know how many times i scheduled 2 mos. Of low weight high rep. #1 It is alot harder..#2 my ego would get in the way and i'd start throwin plates on

lol, the EGO is a dangerous thing lol