Injectable Prohormones


New member
By now a good share of you have porbably seen the new issue of MD and you may have read the article on three new versions of prohormones. I won't mention the brand out respect for the fine quality products MUscle Chemistry markets but you can easily check it out at the magazine stand or PM me if that deosn't work out. Three things are interesting about these porducts: 1) they are supposedly sterile and by inference, safe for injection, 2) the Test -1 product is supposedly free of the burn effect. 3) all three products come in bottles with twist-caps that have a rubber insert in the middle which would allow penetration with a needle.
Has any one tried these product via the IM or SQ route? Or, for that matter, with any other alkylated prohormone product? Maybe I've missed some postings or reports but I'd like to know.
rubicon said:
By now a good share of you have porbably seen the new issue of MD and you may have read the article on three new versions of prohormones. I won't mention the brand out respect for the fine quality products Muscle Chemistry markets but you can easily check it out at the magazine stand or PM me if that deosn't work out. Three things are interesting about these porducts: 1) they are supposedly sterile and by inference, safe for injection, 2) the Test -1 product is supposedly free of the burn effect. 3) all three products come in bottles with twist-caps that have a rubber insert in the middle which would allow penetration with a needle.
Has any one tried these product via the IM or SQ route? Or, for that matter, with any other alkylated prohormone product? Maybe I've missed some postings or reports but I'd like to know.
Well, I havent seen thta MD issue, but I have made my own PH jectable primarily using 4AD CYP which you can buy in pure powder form. It was a good product and the effects were comparable to Test prop. I trust myself to sterilize the product. However there have been a couple of manufacturers that have had injectable PH's for quite some time. They, of course, never marketed them with that being said......Of course when we see a rubber stopper on the cap we can read between the lines:)

My thanks to Cyphon. That's basically what I wanted to know. But before consideration of proceeding into prohormone injections, can we depend on claims to the effec that a prohormone like Test-1 is 7 times the strength of the standard esters of testosterone? Most of us would be happy with just the equivalent effect. Hope I'm not wearing this topic out.
I found 1-test to give me lethargy and loss of libido.....It's definetley strong stuff. I think 4AD is more suitable if your looking for something with "TEST LIKE" gains and increased sex drive due to it's ability to converge to tiny amounts of estro as would regular test. If you do take 1-test then stack 4AD with it. Dermabolics from has a dermal product called "S1+" that stacks the two and yeilds really nice results.
A certain friend of mine works for VPX and said that many pros inject the PH into lagging areas just like they would synthol and it helps expand the muscle fascia while converting to the PH in the body. Just be sure the company that the PH's are from is well known like HMC (or HMG, I forget the initials) otherwise you'll be taking a trip to the doc for antiobiotics. Bis are a good spot esp in the peak.
My thanks again to Cyphon and now to Proud13. Everything you have said serves as good veteran info. I've personally found that the US is the heartland for prohormones. The Brits and their European neighbors aren't too high on them. Most likely because it's so much easier for them to purchase standard gear. But I do see some good possibilities from what I've learned off this thread. I'm thinking post cycle.