Injectable yohimbe


MC Vet
I've heard some stuff written about Dan Duchaine trying out injectable yohimbe HCL for localized fat loss. All the articles I find info of such in are vague and may be hearsay for all I know, but I have read that it works for localized fat loss, because one can cause localized fat release and then burn if off in the blood stream. I have also heard that it's very painful. Has anyone ever made inj yohimbe, tried it, heard about it, know about, or read anything on the subject? How would one go about doing making it? diluting in bact water or something?...???

I couldn't see it hurting more than pgf2....and I'd think it would work far better than yohimburn or something along that line because with inj yohimbe you know you are getting the yohimbe where you want it...

Any info is greatly appreciated, thanks,,,bigjosh
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I still think it is going to burn like a mofo, but I would try putting it in B. Water maybe add BB that may help with the pain.