Injecting Oil Depots Into Penis For Growth?


New member
I've been injecting Test E - 1 gram a week into my penis for the last three weeks and it's ballooned!! So painful though and it's bent like a banana. How can I get it straight? Will I keep my gains post-cycle?
Are you for real? If you put test in your penis the you should jack off 6 times a day for best results! Lol
Yeah, I really hope this is a joke post. Way too much potential damage to be injecting into your penis.
I bet the pumps are amazing. lol. WTF !!! What size pin are you using? 1" or 1.5". Really

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I found my penis could only hold 1ml of liquid in any one shot without there being very painful PIP the next day. You have to use a 31g needle and push slowly, though.