injuried left shoulder


it never fucking fails everything goiing real good got to doing hammer strenth for chest and had a pop in my shoulder now the thing feels strained as hell. ws warmed up just finishing up with this seated hammer press. this certain one machine just hitn a little different and fucking popped it. back to iceing and heatn. all bad luck and wrong
I will say this like i say on all site go get some deep tissue massage,or active release,it helps big time,you will be in the gym in a day or two tops,so no need to miss workouts take it from me.
yeah its one of those anoying fucking tweeks not injured just real iritateing. enough to make you mad while you are lifting, the funny thing is anytime ive ever hurt my shoulders its never been dureing shoulders its always dureing chest.
yeah its one of those anoying fucking tweeks not injured just real iritateing. enough to make you mad while you are lifting, the funny thing is anytime ive ever hurt my shoulders its never been dureing shoulders its always dureing chest.

Yep your pec muscles and bicep make up the front delt.So again i will say this again go get a massage it works wonders.
My shoulders suck too. My constand injury is lower back strain. I ve talked to two pts and both say do more ab work. Crap I would be doing abs 5 days a week then. I get knots in my lower right portion of my back. Tweaked it doing deads with 135 pounds. Sucks. Hope you get better hector. I know you have the goal of having 19.5 inch arms
so I hope recovery is quick.
did shoulders today didnt have any problemes, and dont think i will till chest day. will pobally be a light one, and yeah 19.5 inch arms are a