insulin and strength gains? Anyone experience this


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I read on another board that one guy said he was getting strong with slin use. I think he was on everything else too, so how can you attribute it to the slin?
the strongest thickest dude in my gym is on insulin only. he used to juice but hes been off for a few years and hes jacked and strong as fuck. (hes diabetic)
I've been using slin, and I just came off a cycle a few weeks ago. Strength is still climbing so I might to be able to partially attribute it to that.
carbs and slin. I felt great strength gains and fast recovery, its a minefield though you have to watch very carefully where you tread on slin. i came off if it since it was to risky and I would get those light headed feelings every now and then.