I never have a problem and do not count my post workout carbs by grams. I just fill a bowl of kids cereal guess its around 2-2 1/2 cups? Most days thats my only carb meal and I stay around 100mcg. Sorry I don't give insulin advice bro.
I never have a problem and do not count my post workout carbs by grams. I just fill a bowl of kids cereal guess its around 2-2 1/2 cups? Most days thats my only carb meal and I stay around 100mcg. Sorry I don't give insulin advice bro.
Thank you brother but not really looking for insulin device I've been playing around with insulin since 2005. That sounded rude so please don't take that the wrong way. What my question was, does igf-1 lr3 blunt the release of MGF? Also how long after a workout does the body release MGF?

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At lower doses IGF-1 can be helpful, but when IGF-1 levels get too high they adversely affect insulin sensitivity. This is one of the reason why guys who use high-dose growth hormone develop insulin resistance. There was a thread about this here once...and not everyone agreed with this...until I posted research showing this to be the case.

As far as the LR3 variant is concerned, it hasn't been researched nearly as much as IGF-1. I am guessing that LR3 may act similarly at higher doses, but at what point that might occur, I couldn't say. It is a different drug, so there could be significant differences in terms of how it affect glucose metabolism at various doses.

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lr3 igf1 and muscle hypertrophy article!

Some IGF 1 study conclusions:

[FONT=Minion W08 Regular_1167271]In the present study, we investigated metabolic features of MLC/mIGF-1 mice, revealing an unexpected higher respiratory quotient at rest, an index of higher carbohydrate utilization. These animals also showed higher insulin sensitivity, in line with a preference for carbohydrate as the primary energy source.

In patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus, insulin sensitivity is significantly improved, insulin requirements are reduced, and glycemic control of dyslipidemia is generally improved in short-term studies
lr3 igf1 and muscle hypertrophy article!

Some IGF 1 study conclusions:

[FONT=Minion W08 Regular_1167271]In the present study, we investigated metabolic features of MLC/mIGF-1 mice, revealing an unexpected higher respiratory quotient at rest, an index of higher carbohydrate utilization. These animals also showed higher insulin sensitivity, in line with a preference for carbohydrate as the primary energy source.

In patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus, insulin sensitivity is significantly improved, insulin requirements are reduced, and glycemic control of dyslipidemia is generally improved in short-term studies

"can I take igf with being diabetic"
That was an answer question type thing there lol

But for those who didnt understand that, it was an answer