Insulin results??


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Any body seen any effects In the skin and stomach area from slin use? I'm directing this question to the guys who use slin with out gh.

AAS and slin I've heard causes problems with the skin and stomach protruding. I just wanted clarification or expirience with this matter
Any body seen any effects In the skin and stomach area from slin use? I'm directing this question to the guys who use slin with out gh.

AAS and slin I've heard causes problems with the skin and stomach protruding. I just wanted clarification or expirience with this matter

I used humalin r with gear and igf, and it didn't distend my gut from the inside out but i did put fat on around my gut, i wasn't strict eating wise and i paid the price! took me twice as long to get that little layer of fat off then it took to put on lol,

im not sure what you mean by the SKIN perturbing though ? I do know what your talking about with gut growth as its well documented, but i didn't get the gut growth like that
I heard and seen it on another dude. No igf being used. His gut started growing from the bottom out. And his skin took on a different feel. Strict eating, but I'm not sure what else be could be taking. Was wonder if maybe it's dose dependent, or genetic or what, you know.
I thought fattening effect was after long term use. I heard in short term use you are suppose to lean out.
I've contemplated using it but could never be too sure. Though I don't see how using once or twice a week post wo to bring a lagging body part up will cause gut descending of fattening issue in short run.
Clearly I need more research time lol

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Basically, don't use insulin. Just don't. Hell I wouldn't touch steroids unless I had some professional reason to do so. Too many people I feel get into steroids because they are addicted to the feeling of growth/lifting heavier weights and/or have lost perspective of their size and want to get bigger to meet some arbitrary image from muscle magazine covers.
Humalin r or novalog? And I think the more you eat while on it will grow , could be wrong but just my thought
Basically, don't use insulin. Just don't. Hell I wouldn't touch steroids unless I had some professional reason to do so. Too many people I feel get into steroids because they are addicted to the feeling of growth/lifting heavier weights and/or have lost perspective of their size and want to get bigger to meet some arbitrary image from muscle magazine covers.

So your in the MLB? Is this A-rod? lmao, sorry i could resist