I looked the insulin up and man I never thought it would cost that much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That I pitiful , there is so much product I can purchase with that money. So I want to start my new cycle and was curious if anyone has any ideas on what I should take, I have some Kigtropin HGH and all you do is use some purified water 1 ml and inject it into the bottle and shake it up, not to fast yet enough it mixes with the powder. Though I was maybe wanting a different kind of HGH and also , I have some Ovigil which is for to stop your balls from shrinking. My distributor sent it to me and I didn't order it and have not opened the boxes which I have 3 of them, and I want to sell them at a great price, one box is worth $100.00 but since all of you are family there will be a considerable discount. So what do you say I need to get rid of these so as I can purchase some more injectable as in the Sustanon 375 and so talk to me and lets make a deal, reach me at halljohn431@yahoo,com and you wont be sorry, I just don't need them for I have no trouble of my balls shrinking, I look forward from hearing from all of y'all. you know I wont screw with you. Thanks Moosse