

New member
I looked the insulin up and man I never thought it would cost that much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That I pitiful , there is so much product I can purchase with that money. So I want to start my new cycle and was curious if anyone has any ideas on what I should take, I have some Kigtropin HGH and all you do is use some purified water 1 ml and inject it into the bottle and shake it up, not to fast yet enough it mixes with the powder. Though I was maybe wanting a different kind of HGH and also , I have some Ovigil which is for to stop your balls from shrinking. My distributor sent it to me and I didn't order it and have not opened the boxes which I have 3 of them, and I want to sell them at a great price, one box is worth $100.00 but since all of you are family there will be a considerable discount. So what do you say I need to get rid of these so as I can purchase some more injectable as in the Sustanon 375 and so talk to me and lets make a deal, reach me at halljohn431@yahoo,com and you wont be sorry, I just don't need them for I have no trouble of my balls shrinking, I look forward from hearing from all of y'all. you know I wont screw with you. Thanks Moosse
And siln is not expensive bro Come on ????? Wtf
Is this something moderators can delete?


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I wasn't trying to sell it on here I was seeing if anyone had any information on it for myself I would never try and sell stuff like that on this great site
I paid 60 bucks for a bottle of Novolin R that will last me the next 6 months. You're obviously looking in the wrong place. If that's still too much.. well you should pick up a different hobby.
Wow lol....
First off slin is cheap as dirt. You can buy it at fuck nog Walmart. Fast acting is the most expensive but still relatively cheap.

This is also the worst ploy to sell some shit I've ever seen lol.
If you can't afford it then you have no business running it. That's as simple as it gets.

I wanna run gh. I can't necessarily afford it. Well I could but not comfortable. So guess what? I don't run it. Common sense will steer your right bro.
No need to bother with hgh or insulin anymore! ive tried both and insulin works quite well, but still dangerous as fuck, and hgh, well that obsolete since long r 3 igf-1 came along, no ifs ands or buts about it.