

New member
Hey everyone!

Just joined up here. I have been in and out of gyms since I was 15 and stopped lifting about 7 yrs ago and just did BJJ and some xfit.
But recently started to get the gym bug again and was going great till my bad shoulder decided to go tits up. So it's surgery in the next few weeks.

I use to be a MOD on anabolicminds and belonged to Strong board and a couple of other underground boards during my heavy training days. And hope to learn some things from the vets here.

Good to have you here, hopefully everything goes well with the shoulder surgery and you can be back to normal in a short amount of time.
good luck with the shoulder.. why dont u thnik about getting some mc igf1..for recovery..just a thought..have a look on here some peeps have used with great effect for post surgery treatment..and welcome..
good luck with the shoulder.. why dont u thnik about getting some mc igf1..for recovery..just a thought..have a look on here some peeps have used with great effect for post surgery treatment..and welcome..
Thanks everyone!

Thats one if the reasons I am sticking my head up (so to speak). Things are very different then when I was last on any BBing board. Sources where like state secrets and boards that advertised legit gear were invite only. And all these new peptides...!? I used MR back in the day ( Christ I feel old now), but I have no idea what would be best for my situation or who is reputiable?
well i surpose that depends on whether u want to go down the aas route with good recovery and rehab and igf..then decca and test would be great dont u ive never used deca but i would be inclined to say that as it has great properties for recovery and as u have been away for a while u will only need need low dose's of both hell let me point out im by no means a DOC and im sure many many other peeps on this board will have more input on this..
im not condoning AAS use but im just presuming u are here for a number of reasons.that being one of them..
well i surpose that depends on whether u want to go down the aas route with good recovery and rehab and igf..then decca and test would be great dont u ive never used deca but i would be inclined to say that as it has great properties for recovery and as u have been away for a while u will only need need low dose's of both hell let me point out im by no means a DOC and im sure many many other peeps on this board will have more input on this..
im not condoning AAS use but im just presuming u are here for a number of reasons.that being one of them..

Well I don't think that i am going to go down that road:AAS. Nothing wrong with it; I used them in the 90's. But my job makes it impossiable for me to use it without a docs script. I do enjoy reading about it and discussing it. But for me it's just not possible right now.

But peptides are something that I can use. Research Chems and whatnot too.
Depending on what type of shoulder injury you have.. but from what i hear from others.

Igf-1 seems to speed up recovery also TB-500 is alway suposed to be really good for healing & recovery.

GHRP-2 or 6 with cjc 1295 will increase GH which should also help with recovery.

These are only things i have read from others and other sites, not my personal experiance.

Welcome to this board, hope you find it as informational and entertaining as i have since joining
Depending on what type of shoulder injury you have.. but from what i hear from others.

Igf-1 seems to speed up recovery also TB-500 is alway suposed to be really good for healing & recovery.

GHRP-2 or 6 with cjc 1295 will increase GH which should also help with recovery.

These are only things i have read from others and other sites, not my personal experiance.

Welcome to this board, hope you find it as informational and entertaining as i have since joining

Thanks Boomer.

Just the Write ups I have seen say the TB500 is bunk. IGF-1 is one thing I am looking for. What about the more exotic: MGF, Mod GRF, or that GW 5 something or other. I would also like to drop a bit of fat, since I will be doing cardio Whi,e rehabbing. Any ideas for that?

Thanks again.
IGF can help shed some bodyfat while helping recover. The IGF we have around here is the best available and you can literally read hundreds of reviews on it. I can personally say that it's helped strengthen my shoulders back up (partially torn rotator cuffs)
There are a few research chems, peptides, and prohormones I have used that are worth while: SARMs: Ostarine (ml-2866), PH: Super DMZ, and IGF-1 from MC store.
Welcome to the board. I too went thru shoulder surgery, well a torn labrum where your bicep attachs to your shoulder and its been a pain in my ass ever since. I really wish I never would have had the surgery. I've been out of lifting for around 5 years up until say 4-5 months ago and I can tell you IGF has def helped along with im sure the deca has kicked in lol
Welcome to the board. I too went thru shoulder surgery, well a torn labrum where your bicep attachs to your shoulder and its been a pain in my ass ever since. I really wish I never would have had the surgery. I've been out of lifting for around 5 years up until say 4-5 months ago and I can tell you IGF has def helped along with im sure the deca has kicked in lol

Thanks again everyone.

Oh wow! Man I feel you. I was out of lifting for about 4 yes for my other shoulder. I had my other one worked on in '09 ands perfect, so the sane doc will be doing this one. I would prefer to not have out done but I can't lift or do BJJ at all anymore. So this was the end if the line.
Damn I'm late on this one! Welcome to the club! I've tried alot of the exotics and some are OK. I swear by MC IGF. Did I miss it or have you tried IGF in the past? At this point it makes a tremendous difference in my training and recovery ability. Much more so than when I was younger and smaller
welcome and i have yet to try igf but the guys on here and i for some damn reason trust them lol they swear by it

if i wasnt so broke i wouldve got some but every time i get a little cash saved something happens

i have an idea on why i trust yall because for the past year we have got very intimate
Damn I'm late on this one! Welcome to the club! I've tried alot of the exotics and some are OK. I swear by MC IGF. Did I miss it or have you tried IGF in the past? At this point it makes a tremendous difference in my training and recovery ability. Much more so than when I was younger and smaller

Thanks again both of you. Man this is a crazy nice board. Lol and I ran MR's years ago and got solid results.

Well what I am thinking of is giving MC IGF-1 a run after the surgery for say 7 weeks or so. How much would recommend per day?
After that I think I would do cycle on and off GHRP-2 and MOD GRF for a few months, since I am 41.

What do you guys think of these SARMS?
Thanks again both of you. Man this is a crazy nice board. Lol and I ran MR's years ago and got solid results.

Well what I am thinking of is giving MC IGF-1 a run after the surgery for say 7 weeks or so. How much would recommend per day?
After that I think I would do cycle on and off GHRP-2 and MOD GRF for a few months, since I am 41.

What do you guys think of these SARMS?

I LOVE IGF. I've done all kinds of doses. Currently I do 100mcg pre workout. I only use it on training days. Using it for recover from injuries I like to do maybe 40 - 50mcg a day.
I've tried others and I liked them, but I've found that IGF is a foundation for the other peptides and SERMS.