Introduce Myself


New member
Hey everyone! I've been reading your boards now for a few months but never got around to jumping in. I've found that all of my questions or concerns have easily been answered just by browsing and reading the forums. Excellent work guys. I've done several cycles (AAS) and have been wanting to try IGF but admittedly have been skeptical and uncertain. I've been a little worried about screwing with my blood sugar levels. After reading all the posts, I decided to go ahead and order a couple of bottles today. I'm excited to try something new.
My current stats are, 49 years old, 6' 4" tall, current weight 219 (down from 234 at the end of last cycle which ended in August). Not sure what my BF % is right now but it's low.
Anyhow, I'm looking forward to sharing thoughts on my first IGF experience, and appreciate all of you, for being who you are.
so how do you plan on using it? I guess you've seen that there are numerous ways to run it.

and welcome to MC
Hey guys! I plan on using 50mcgs postworkout only and bilaterally in the muscle group worked. I'm in the gym 5 days a week in the evenings. If you have other suggestions, I'm certainly open for it. Like I said, I've never ran this stuff so I'm all ears to those of you who have. I thought I'd run this, and then follow up with a usual spring cycle of AAS. What do you think?, and thanks for the welcome.
Thanks guys. I plan on hitting the muscle group worked immediately after the workout. This isn't going to be as risky or carry the sides like insulin is it? From what I've read, the only real side is fatigue and not everybody even reports that, correct? I don't know why I'm even nervous about this with all the crap I've injected over the years. I'm sure I'll love it!
The side effects are no where near what insulin causes but occassionally you might read of someone going slightly hypoglycemic if they're prone to it but nothing like what insulin is capable of. Welcome to the site bro, you probably won't have to worry about any sides at 50mcg a day but to be on the safe side you could start out with 20 or 30 the first day or 2 and see how you respond.
Thanks MS, sounds like a good idea. What about eating? Is it important to get some carbs in me right away? Anything special I need to consume? I usually have a can of regular coke on the way home just to spike my insulin levels anyway until I can grab some fast digesting carbs. Is this cool?
Welcome Pugs! I've been MIA for the past week, but I'll explain all that in a new thread. Anyway, good to have another member here. Looking forward to your contributions.
Responding to an older thread, but for those who read this, get both protein and good carbs in you, not a high-glycemic sugar drink like coke. You don't want carbs that digest too fast.
Welcome bro, I must admit, IGF and HGH are 2 things I do not have a whole lot of knowladge on . But I just wanted to give you a warm welcome and I hope you stick around. Theres more to learn here than any other site on the web. So it should be pretty easy to find out what you want to research. Regards....TOOL
i'm curious to hear results etc - and welcome pugs... it's amazing what reading and the search function can do for good info.. there's a bazillion posts here... alright, maybe not a BAZILLION, but enough good reading to keep one busy for a while... glad to have ya active on the site..
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. I finished a 50 day cycle of IGF on Jan 27th, as I had planned it at 50 mcgs post workout. I experienced no real side effects from the stuff. It was a very mild run. I didn't really notice any dramatic changes either. Perhaps I ran it too low. From what I've read though, it does produce more muscle cells in the body which are permanent, and ready to grow long after the cycle ends. I wanted to run it alone just to see what it can do, and not to confuse it's effect with anything else I may have run with it. I'll soon be starting a cycle of Test and EQ which is a favorite of mine, so we'll see what these "new" muscle cells look like. I'm sure I'll run IGF again at some point in the future along with an aas cycle.
Just to clarify a previous statement I had made when I referenced "a can of regular coke", I only meant immediately post workout. It's long been a practice of mine to ingest some fast burning carbs (yes, sugar) and some fast acting protein right after my workout in order to quickly restore my glycogen levels and spike my insulin levels which have just been depleted. This gets me back up and running until I can get home and prepare a real meal of slow carbs and animal protein. It's the only time I consume sugar. It's just something I've been taught to do over the years. Please feel free to show me the errors of my ways. I can't help it,..I'm an ectomorph for Chrissakes.
I'm here!! I read the posts as often as I can. Sorry I haven't been more active. It's just so fricking time consuming trying to look pretty!! LOL
I'll hit the boards.
Pugs said:
I'm here!! I read the posts as often as I can. Sorry I haven't been more active. It's just so fricking time consuming trying to look pretty!! LOL
I'll hit the boards.
Hey, sit down, have a coke and relax once in a while. Just kidding bro.
Good to see ya still here