IPAM & CJC1295 Mini Log ( Purchase Peptides Products )

33 Days into Research:

Still going strong! After an intense weekend of bodily abuse, I had no soreness to report. ( With the exception of a couple bumps and bruises )
I started bumping my night dose of Ipam up to 200mcg. At this dose I sweat like a pig all night and seem to get a slight feeling of restless leg throught the body.. That feeling only lasts about 15 minutes.
Since upping my nightly dose (starting 5-17 ) I have actually lost a few lbs. I went from 197 to 193. Dropped one belt loop size and abs are starting to look Nice! My strength is still climbing and every week I am reaching new personal records.
Everytime I have been on cycle, in the past, and I push myself for new Pr's, I ALWAYS get nasty pains in my right shoulder. Sometimes so extreme that it cause me hell at night trying to sleep, and even more hell in the mornings when I woke up. Since the start of the peptides I have not experienced ANY of this. I have not touched on this until now because I honestly forgot all about having shoulder issues. Everything has been so smooth it hasnt even crossed my mind.

Time to get Beast Mode!
i get tired as fuck half way through the day the cjc1295 w \o dac and ghpr-6 got me a sleepy motherfucker bro's ahhh i want the mgf and the igf1 des maybe what do you'll all think I hae 4 weeks laft on my aas cycle and i'm went from 145 to 180 at night and 173lbs in the am so 10lbs water weight plus the tren e makes me sweat it all out all night ahhh i will keep running peps tho def mt2 is awesome i look rican and I'm Irish and my wife is Italian and were ark as fuck i get it from somewhere not on here i dont think anyway but everything is gtg cause all the sides i get dark and i get sleepy and i'm getting big and sleep all night and never done that in years ahh so it's a good thing ya know i need to use punctuation but i don't thats me sorry
Kirk B- How long you been on the cjc and ghrp-6? Dose?
I would add the mgf and the Igf1 des to your cjc and ghrp-6 cycle about the last week of your aas cycle. This will help keep all your gains and help get rid of that dreaded PCT feeling..
yes i will keep on the ghpr-6 and cjc1295 w out dac and I will get mgf , and igf 1 des i belive it's on sale right now and my $ is so low i'm poor but i been on ghpr-6 and cjc1295 wo dac for 1 to 2 months idk i don't keep track i just do it and will deef keep on them even after aas cycle, also i will get the mgf already got 1 and will save up wtf maybe i'll try to get a few more while it's on sale ahh i wish i got the igf1 des , on sale fml i should have got 1 at least ahhh it's so much if not on sale double and i wouldn't be getting them i should have stocked up on as much of mgf and igf1 des cause i had some other cjc and ghpr-6 fml wasn't thinking bro's you know how that goes some times lol
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try this

I need to learn how to read blood work. Having some done on Friday's physical before my first PH cycle.
go to the juice bro get d bol 25 mg a week for 4 weeks then weeks 1 too 10 600mg teat E and you will blow up and it's less harmful them ph no joke bro !!!
41 Days into Research:

Blown away! I have never felt soo damn good this long into a Test cycle. I am not sore, not lethargic, and not ready to quit! I cannot begin to explain how much these Peptide's have improved my overall quality of life.

I have ~2 weeks left of my test cycle and I'm actually looking foward to my Pct. Once I begin Pct, I will be starting a new log. This log will be a little more weight,bf,and strength specific. This log has been moreless "feeling" specific, because I cannot claim that weight gains, bf loss, or strength has come from the Peptides or from the Test.

My results during Pct will be directly related to the use of Cjc,Ipam,and Mgf.

Once I begin Pct I will be upping my Ipam dose to 200-300mcg 3x's a day, possibly a nice boom dose at night. I will also start the Mgf daily, rather than on workout days only.

My Pct will look like this:
Days 1-10: 500IU HCG ED
100/100/50/50 Clomid
25/12.5/12.5/6/6 Aromasin
100Mcg Cjc1295 3x's ED
200-300Mcg Ipam 3x's ED
Mgf Bi-lat ED

I want to thank everyone who has followed this log, givin there input and advise.

Thank you Purchase Peptides for some Awesome research products.

Finally thank you to this Forum for the overwhelming amount of information, and support you supply for your members!

I will post up a link to the new log as soon as my Pct Begins.
- CracKrBaBy
Last pin was thursday 14th.. So Serm treatment starts the 28th. Should I start boom dosing now or wait till serm?