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Has anyone ran ipamorelin if did you like it? Taking a break from igf and needed something to help burn fat while trying to hold musclec.
I did 100mcg 3x ED w/CJC & GHRP-2. Nothing huge it, like GH, takes time to work. I believe HGH is far better... But I was alil leaner & put on water when I added GHRP-2. They made me tired af mid day which blew... I feel asleep briefly @ the gym one day that really blew.. GHRP-2, made me hypo oddly enough IGF1 @ 150mcg did not. Shooting Ipam & CJC & GHRP-2 3x ED on an empty stomach was an inconvenient pain in the ass I could not imagine running 6 month. With in 8 weeks I lost roughly 2% BF but I did diet... W/O GHRP-2, just using Ipam & CJC I did Keto for a week... Carbed up then added GHRP-2. Really liking MC IGF1 tho better.
I've been running Ipam + Mod-GRF a 150mcg x 3ed (morning, pre-w/o and bedtime) for about 3 months now. I workout hard 5 days a week and would say that the gains are subtle but quality. I've been keeping a diary and will post at some stage. I've lost 7% bf and maintained my starting weight. My reps have all gone up, as has the weight I'm pushing. There's no bloat like gear and I'm sleeping the best I've ever slept. I'm also using 5mgs of TB-500 (2 x 2500mcg) per week to fix elbow tendentious, which has been working really well. I've also just added 5mgs of ligandrol and 50mcg of IGF1-LR3 to my stack, so it's going to get harder and harder to tell exactly what's doing what. I was only using ipam + mod-grf for the initial phase though and think it's excellent for building quality, hard muscle while burning fat - keep in mind though that I was aiming to re-comp for the initial couple of months and my diet accordingly consisted of 40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fat @ around 1600 kCals ED.
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Def ran more than me... I had super bloat tho it was from GHRP-2. 7% BF is insane... I wish I lost that I'd be @ 6.5% total! U got LGD huh? When'd u start the SARM? IGF1 is legit, works damn fast LGD does as well, but since my test lvls lowered w/ LGD I opt for Ostarine less supressive. LGD w/ AAS would be interesting....
Def ran more than me... I had super bloat tho it was from GHRP-2. 7% BF is insane... I wish I lost that I'd be @ 6.5% total! U got LGD huh? When'd u start the SARM? IGF1 is legit, works damn fast LGD does as well, but since my test lvls lowered w/ LGD I opt for Ostarine less supressive. LGD w/ AAS would be interesting....

Hey man.... yeh, I started off at about 21% bf, so I had some room to give ;)

I'm on week 4 of LGD and really liking it. I feel pumped all the time. Not sure what the test levels are like though ...hmmm. I will get it tested at the end (I should've done it at the start) and then 2 months later again. I've got some Nolva that I plan to run for PCT. So far I'm liking the LGD a lot and haven't noticed any bloat as yet. I'm also enjoying the constant pump I seem to have (i.e. I still can't touch my shoulder a few days after doing biceps... haha... awesome!).

As for the IGF1-LR3, I've only just started a 4 week stint. I've administered it only twice so far. I bought myself some Vitargo S2 (a fast absorbing carb powder) to go with my intra/post BCAA drink, coz I've hear this stuff makes you hyperglycemic... but I didn't notice any sides on 50mcg sub-Q. I did get a pretty sick pump when using it though. I think I'll up the dose to 100mcg... btw, I've been doing this 1hr pre-w/o. Also, I'm taking this with me to work (mixed only with AA) un-refigerated and then drawing up bac before admin. Is this ok? Also, how quickly did you see results?

Anyways, sorry to hi-jack...

Ipam is good clean stuff, but I'll be trying GHRP-2 next because it's cheaper and I've heard it yields better results. Like I said, I've been keeping a diary, so I'll do a big post in a couple of months outlining my achievements. Then I'll do a post with GHRP-2.

Peace yo,
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AA sting a lil but no real problems... Even when I got it IV :( As for goin' hypo I dont see it even @ 250mg *shrugs* pumps great & leaning effects awesome as well as site enhancing effects Tric Traps look like alil added synthol only not retarded like the synthol guy on youtube! Started biceps & the peak is better & vascularity is incredible! Cant wait to start DTA/MENT then bridge to Tren/Test if I ever get my source payment to work!
AA doesn't sting much at all.... after test suspension with a 19G it's a walk in the park. Cheers for the replies guys.
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