Iron Brotherhood Stack ...interesting read


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Very high strength and very high size gains.

The following cycle is designed with male, weighing 100KG, in mind. To adjust for the proper
dosage for your weight, figure a factor of 10% / 10KG of body weight. Example: If you weigh 110KG,
increase the dosage 10% (or to the closest possible dosage).

Week Deca Test Cypionate Sustanon DBOL Anadrol HCG Clomid
1 200mg 600mg 250mg 20mg 50mg
2 200mg 600mg 250mg 30mg 50mg
3 300mg 400mg 500mg 40mg 50mg
4 400mg 400mg 500mg 50mg 50mg
5 400mg 200mg 250mg 50mg 50mg
6 300mg 200mg 250mg 40mg 50mg
7 200mg 250mg 30mg
8 100mg 250mg 20mg 100mg
9 1500iu (Mon+Thur) 50mg
10 1500iu (Mon+Thur) 50mg
11 50mg

Make sure your daily intake of protein is at least 3 grams per kg/body weight and your daily
caloric intake is 50 cal per kg/body weight. Utilize a high intensity, high weight, low rep
workout routine 6 days on, 1 day off at 90 minutes per day, during the cycle. After completing the
cycle, utilize a 3 days on, 1 day off at 60 minutes per day. During the cycle take Evening
Primrose Oil and Cod Liver Oil to assist your kidney/liver. Also, drink at least a gallon of
water/day and most importantly eat, eat, eat (especially BEEF, just watch the fatty stuff)

Gains with this oral and injection stacking combination for an average 100KG male is 8 - 14 kg.
Females can also utilize this cycle by cutting the injectable and oral dosages to 1/2 and deleting
the Anadrol dosages altogether, thus the gains will be approx. 1/3 to 1/2 that of the male stats.
This is heavy cycle and little side-effects may be noted. Normally, the only noticeable side-
effects are an increase in acne, bloating in the upper abdomen area, increased cholesterol level,
and decreased sleeping pattern. But if have preexisting gyno, had gyno develop during puberty, or
are susceptible to gyno. Either Nolvadex or Proviron is a recommended.
Bro I know most people dont taper but I tried it again last cycle. I see the taper here. I went 16 weeks and tapered the last 6 down to 250 mgs of sust the last week Ran npp 5 weeks and some winny to combat the progesterone gyno and primo 5 weeks so the primo was still there during part of the taper. The primo was 500 mgs with no taper by the way. I kept all but 3 pounds of my gains doing tons of cardio as well. My nuts were back full force in about three weeks as well. Never used hcg at all because everytime I did it made me nauseous. Im going to taper again this go round without hcg. I know some will argue this but it worked for me much better than any pct therapy I ever tried.
Im a big fan of tapering to. I believe if you taper you can get away with using less PCT stuff, than just stopping cold turkey. but that is just me
Im a big fan of tapering to. I believe if you taper you can get away with using less PCT stuff, than just stopping cold turkey. but that is just me
I always have tapered on and off so I agree. When on that, with the low reps and high weight how many different exercises per muscle group do u think? I have been recently only doing 4 to 5 different exercises with heavier weight, but I usually would do 6 to 8 different exercises but I dont know if that held my gains back in the past or not
Im a big fan of tapering to. I believe if you taper you can get away with using less PCT stuff, than just stopping cold turkey. but that is just me

I agree...reading that cycle above and trying to figure out the advantages of dbol and anadrol together? Did i just misread it?
Looks like a very well put together cycle...Tapering is always a good way to save some money (PCT cutback)
Chris or anyone, for the test, they are starting at 600mg. Should we start lower the taper up before tapering down??
Chris or anyone, for the test, they are starting at 600mg. Should we start lower the taper up before tapering down??

I guess it would depend on when your last cycle was, but I'd personally probably throw Prop in a couple weeks before just to get it back in my system before jumping to the 600mgs
Interesting cycle. Hypothetically, that's about the point I am, but I'm not sure I could get down 5,000 calories/day to go with the gear.