Is anyone an expert on DNP?

Ok thank you all for your help. I will think again about DNP. I do not want to lose my life. I am just depressed at my current weight, and I want to be happy. I also already have DNP, so it is very tempting. But I will look at the ECA stack. Does anyone have any other recommendations for supplements that would help me lose weight? I already exercise and eat well. I will do anything; I am not lazy. Thank you all for your help again.
I'm glad to hear you're going to give it a second thought. The ECA will help with weigh loss. I've been unhappy with my body at times and I know it messes with your head, but you're smart for taking a step back and looking at other options. I don't think anyone thinks your lazy, but as far as your diet, you might want to look into that. You might eat healthy things, but it sounds like you're not eating enough which will keep you from losing weight. Maybe look into the info Iron-game gave you. There's so much helpful info out there to help you SAFELY reach your goals. And of course stick around here on MC. The more women here the better. I'll help however I can. PM me if you have questions, but stay strong and pass on the dnp. Deal? ;)
Good Lord This Thread scared me, lol, she scared me! 5'7 and 125lbs and desperate to lose another 10-15lbs, thats anorexia man!

The dude nailed, and I will go a step further, i will ban anyone who suggests this girl use DNP . People die, and people who sell this shit have gone to jail for those people who have died! Hell No! Not Here! Sorry!

Good Lord This Thread scared me, lol, she scared me! 5'7 and 125lbs and desperate to lose another 10-15lbs, thats anorexia man!

The dude nailed, and I will go a step further, i will ban anyone who suggests this girl use DNP . People die, and people who sell this shit have gone to jail for those people who have died! Hell No! Not Here! Sorry!

Presser hit it on the head. I was reading this entire thread and thinking that these are the issues of someone who is anorexic or has major self-image issues. I'm not trying to be mean or rude, I'm trying to tell you the facts. I put myself in an inpatient center for anorexia/bulimia. Suffered from those two horrible diseases for 4 years, and still have a screwed up image of myself as a result. It never leaves you, you can only work on yourself and try to be as realistic as possible about what's healthy thinking and what's not. I'm 6' and weighed 113 lbs at my lowest while checking myself into the treatment facility. Only after years of lifting and learning to eat a proper bodybuilding diet was I able to actually "diet" and reach my goal of getting on stage in competition shape. Go to the gym, gain some muscle, eat some healthy proteins, fats, and carbs, and watch your body change. This is the safest and most effective way to get to where you want to be, and you'll feel a thousand times better about yourself. This disease is absolutely awful by itself, and now you want to add another poison to your body that is already shutting down on you? It's a death sentence. Please do not use DNP. From what I read, there may be other issues that are more pressing than trying to fix what you think is "wrong" with your body.
Good Lord This Thread scared me, lol, she scared me! 5'7 and 125lbs and desperate to lose another 10-15lbs, thats anorexia man!

The dude nailed, and I will go a step further, i will ban anyone who suggests this girl use DNP . People die, and people who sell this shit have gone to jail for those people who have died! Hell No! Not Here! Sorry!

Thanks man... I really do feel bad for people with psychological issues as I can totally relate and I don't like to "label" people as that always meets with resistance, but DNP is serious. I've used it... several times... it's really a terrible horrible thing and even when used "correctly" you feel and probably are closer to the verge of death than you will ever be in current society. It is strictly for the advanced of the advanced... with a dash of reckless and crazy thrown in there if I'm being honest. And you HAVE to have some tissue to give you some slight room for error... and that's if you have VERY GOOD STUFF FROM A VERY SCRUPULOUS DRUG DEALER...
I know I've talked about it on here, but it's just talk.. I don't know if I'd ever be the one to recommend it to someone and I certainly don't want to see anyone get hurt.
Presser hit it on the head. I was reading this entire thread and thinking that these are the issues of someone who is anorexic or has major self-image issues. I'm not trying to be mean or rude, I'm trying to tell you the facts. I put myself in an inpatient center for anorexia/bulimia. Suffered from those two horrible diseases for 4 years, and still have a screwed up image of myself as a result. It never leaves you, you can only work on yourself and try to be as realistic as possible about what's healthy thinking and what's not. I'm 6' and weighed 113 lbs at my lowest while checking myself into the treatment facility. Only after years of lifting and learning to eat a proper bodybuilding diet was I able to actually "diet" and reach my goal of getting on stage in competition shape. Go to the gym, gain some muscle, eat some healthy proteins, fats, and carbs, and watch your body change. This is the safest and most effective way to get to where you want to be, and you'll feel a thousand times better about yourself. This disease is absolutely awful by itself, and now you want to add another poison to your body that is already shutting down on you? It's a death sentence. Please do not use DNP. From what I read, there may be other issues that are more pressing than trying to fix what you think is "wrong" with your body.

AMEN to you!! I think alot of the psychological diseases or worse than the majority of the physical ones. They consume you from the inside out. I know you have to be happy with how you look, but for so many years in saw a skinny not so attractive guy looking back at me.. little did I know I was the muscular Casanova the world had been searching for!! Lol! I was WAY more attractive to girls back then than I am now as I look a little extreme, but even now when I see a picture of myself I don't recognize myself... lots of times I think I look a litthe over the top if you know what I mean. That's helped me become more healthy and now I wonder about some of the damage I did in my younger days.
I consider myself EXTREMELY picky when it comes to girls looks, but thick is beautiful!! I think alot of girls would have better self image if guys would tell them how good they look instead if them constantly being bombarded with Victorias Secret crap...
Put on some muscle, smile, and know that when your energy is directed towards a positive goal you have a mindset that the majority of the population would KILL for...
I could ramble on for hours about this... Silk hasn't been to the gym in over a year and I think she looks amazing... she isn't happy with her look so I try to not make her feel uncomfortable, but she looks so smoking hot!! Last night we drove to the grocery store at 10pm... me with no shift on... to get a bucket of mint chocolate chip ice cream! There is so much more out there than hitting a certain weight...
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I seriously went to bed worried about her. I hope she listened to us. I just wish she didn't have them in her possession already. I think someone said it earlier, but shame on the person who supplied them to her in the first place.
I seriously went to bed worried about her. I hope she listened to us. I just wish she didn't have them in her possession already. I think someone said it earlier, but shame on the person who supplied them to her in the first place.

Ya it is sad, because you know just as well as I do, that she will prob end up doing it no matter what we say. Hope for the best.
Ya it is sad, because you know just as well as I do, that she will prob end up doing it no matter what we say. Hope for the best.

Lets Hope NOT! IDK man i think we were all pretty clear and decisive with our position on DNP usage lol
My buddy thats competing again soon just got off 21 days of it and it sounds horrible, but works well. Remember its super toxic, and you will be sweating all the time and sleeping in puddles
what buddy is that bro? the one from here years ago? forman or someshit
I'd say, 30 mins of starvation cardio in the morning, then work all day, then weight train after work, then another 30 mins of cardio. That along worth cutting my bad carbs down, I shredded fat weight at the rate of almost a pound a day. Went from double digit bf, around 12% to 8% in about a month.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Never was dumb enough to use DNP and didn't know it was even around.

yeah i never used it either, but not cause i wasnt dumb enough lol, as ive put some seriously dumb shit into my body before lol, injected "K" which was the worse thing ive ever done, lol, never did heroin or anything like that but yeah ive done some dumb shit,

but isnt DNP a pesticide man, that in and of itself was enough for to say no thank you!

Hard work alays worked for me in regards to dieting down for a bodybuilding show, and i actually went over board and lost muscle during my first show prep , so i rather work my ass off than use dnp
I don't know if I would call DNP users "dumb". I've used it before and I'll use it again. Alcohol can kill you.. and it kills lots of people... tobacco kills tons of people... aspirin kills tons of people... be educated and take precautions. Know what you are doing... it's no different than a number of things that are legal... and don't produce the positive effects that correct DNP usage will. I've lost 10lbs of bodyfat in 14 days using DNP.. I didn't lose an ounce of muscle size or strength...
Alcohol is used to sterilize shit...
I wouldn't say ECA is safe btw I mean unless you don't think cardiac issues are a big deal. Don't get me wrong I use to take them all the time when I was 19 working out, had no known issues, but I have spoken directly to Cardiologists and Nephrologists that would disagree strongly with its use.
I wouldn't say ECA is safe btw I mean unless you don't think cardiac issues are a big deal. Don't get me wrong I use to take them all the time when I was 19 working out, had no known issues, but I have spoken directly to Cardiologists and Nephrologists that would disagree strongly with its use.
It is safer than dnp. Everything is relative....

sent from a remote bunker while banging a Terminator Model T-X
It is safer than dnp. Everything is relative....

sent from a remote bunker while banging a Terminator Model T-X

Is this like a child argument? What does that mean? Is shooting heroin in my femoral safer than shooting myself with a .45?
I didn't say it's not safer than, nor did I comment on which is safer.
Is this like a child argument? What does that mean? Is shooting heroin in my femoral safer than shooting myself with a .45?
I didn't say it's not safer than, nor did I comment on which is safer.

damn bro, go back to bed and try waking up on the "right" side of the bed this time lmao, fuck man, lol, all he said was its safer than DNP and everything is relative, both statement are true! In no way shape or form did i see him argueing with you lol, nor debating you, lol, nor making a claim that you said one was safer than the other lol,

Jesus Bro, lol, relax, the only child like behavior here is from your last post big guy lol
damn bro, go back to bed and try waking up on the "right" side of the bed this time lmao, fuck man, lol, all he said was its safer than DNP and everything is relative, both statement are true! In no way shape or form did i see him argueing with you lol, nor debating you, lol, nor making a claim that you said one was safer than the other lol,

Jesus Bro, lol, relax, the only child like behavior here is from your last post big guy lol

haha hey you know I have my pet peeves, that is one. People trying to workout "well doing 5 sit ups is better than nothing" "Well eating one donut is better than eating two" "well riding a stationary bike 1 mile is better than sitting on the couch" I hear it all the time, I'm like ok, except that is retarded. Told someone just recently 'if you are using a bike for cardio, you're going to have to do like 20 miles per ride to get it to do what you want it to' and the reply was "well it's better than not doing anything" like was that ever a question? :D Since NAIR you know it's coming Press