Is sex on the 1st date ok?


New member
Would you or did you ever have sex on the 1st date? If you did have sex on the 1st date with someone what questions went through your mind about them and did you still respect them as much as you would have if they waited a little longer to have sex with you? Did you keep them as your bf or gf for a long time or just use them for sex and didn't get emotionally involved??
Yes, Sex on the first date is always OK. And I am here to help you, as a woman, realize this, and spread the world to all womankind, that you should definitely be having sex on the first date.


Actually, everytime I tried to postpone sex to make the relationship last longer, it never worked.

With my wife... I met her in a bar, and we went home about 30 minutes after meeting and started hittin it. less than 2 years later we were married.

So, it isn't necessarily bad. just go with the feelings and don't reject it just cuz it's the first time.

To be honest, as a guy.... if i like a girl, I'll want to be with her, and whether sex happens on the first date or later, wouldn't change my opinion of her one bit. In fact, I would probably dig her more if she attacked me on that first date.

anywho... that's my 2 cents.

when u say sex on the first date do u mean like a 1 night stand?...

well i've banged a girl within an hour of meeting her before, and was not emotional involved at all... it was a 1 night stand... well actually a couple night stands... heheh

i kept her number just in case I got lonely 1 night... so it was a mutual understanding...

but to be honest... sex on the first date isn't that bad... I won't respect a girl any less if we do it or not... but it's really up to u... just make sure the line of communication is definitely open..
the woman i am with currently gave it up :) on the first date and we have been together ever since...about 1.5 years now....personally i think it is the personality of the individuals that are involved that factor in most
If you give it to me on the 1st date the odds of a second date drop pretty dramatically-I can pick up anyone at a club/bar for a one nighter and not have to spend the entire evening with you.
i don't have as much respect for a girl who gives it up on the first date. not saying that i would turn it down, but a second date wouldn't be happening.
Those that give it up right away are great, but I think it always makes the guy wonder how many other times has she met a gut and then given it up right away.Maybe never it is possible that you just clicked and boom wanted each other instantly.

Hey if the right chick gave it up to me on the first date and I liked her enough I'd stay with her too regardless of her past flings.
Sex on the first date? *lol*
It wouldn't even cross my mind because I view intercourse as something only shared when deeply in love.
superman1975 said:
sex on the first date is mandatory with me if you want a second date

haha slut!

So you banged your girlfriend on the first date??

But by first date- Im guessing you mean the first time you go out alone with someone.. like not meeting up with them and friends at a club..

Sometimes- with the right chemistry- Id say itd be a go..
i guess post was inaccurate the lady told me....we had been acquaintences along time ago and met up again...she came over to my house spent the nite for a few nites with us only "cuddling" and then when we had our true first date we HIT IT :)
sex on the first date is ok with me as well. I would question how often she does this.? I would prolly date her if she did give it up on the first date or even if she didn't. umless I got the feeling that she was a total slut then it would just be for the sex ! :P

sex is sex

fucking is fucking

and making love is something diffrent altogether !

you can have sex and or fuck anyone
but I would say to make love one would have to be in love !
No kidding! Heck, you're lucky you're all the way (wherever you are), or I might be all over you just from reading this :D
Sex on 1st date = no real relationship. If I like and respect a girl I most likely wouldn't even try.
It depends on the girl, really...

If you know the intentions are to just to have sex then leave then it's all good.

Also if you got into some deep conversations with the girl, and you both weren't really drunk then having sex on the first date and perhaps turning it into something more could be a possibility.