Is weight lifting and grappling too much for me to do?


New member
What I am asking is, I've seriously been thinking about training in Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu and Muah Ti again but afraid it may be overtraining.

I would either go on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday since those are the only class days but if my body needs to rest more, I would only go on Monday and Thursdays.

My current workout routine is: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Would me getting back into BJJ training put a hold on weight lifting as far as gains? I know there are a few grapplers in here like Choke03 so I'm hoping this would help.
Ask choke

I think it would be ok. I would ask choke. Looks like he has been doing this for some time now. Good luck.
as long as you got proper rest I think you will be fine listen to your body when you feel that it is to much back off a little !

good luck !
The overtraining is a concern... but for me, I stop training in full contact fighting sports during cycles because of the injuries I get. It's hard, as I love the fighting practice, but any injury that I get will screw my training.

I have generally found grappling a bit safer injury-wise than kick-boxing. You'll probably be able to do the BJJ as long as you can get enough rest.

Good luck!

BTW, training starts around 6:30 after our stretches and ends at 8. I'm hoping that isn't too much cardio since I'm still wanting to put on weight.
grappling can be pretty tough cardio, great forearm workout, and pretty good exercise for the neck, shoulders, and even abs.

I think the intensity of the cardio all depends on how much down time you have during training. I doubt you are on the mat grappling for 1.5 hours constantly... probably only a few pairs of guys at once, right? Welll.. depends on class size and room size then...

Anyway, you'll have to judge that yourself.

Personally, though.. I wouldn't count a day I did grappling for a couple hours as a rest day.

For me one without the other would be corn flakes without the milk, bread without butter, steak without potato or chicken with no damn rice !!! Get the picture, lol. The only problam I see is Time, it takes a tremendous amount of time to excell in lifting and Fighting. As stated rest and diet become increasingly important.
IM me if I can be of any help.
Who do you train under in BJJ ??
Choke, IM or PM?

I was going to IM you but there's no screen name in your profile. If you want to IM me, my screen name is The Five Ohh Man
Who do you train under in BJJ?

My instructor was Ashley Lockwood and he just earned his purple belt. His three co-assistants are Dustin Ware, Bryan Atterson and Tim Dunlop--Dustin and Bryan have been rolling for 3-4 years and Tim has been rolling all his life.

I doubt you know them, though, but shoot me an IM if you want.