It Is With My Deepest Regrets To Inform You That Fina Addict Died 2 Weeks Ago

There you go brother. I pray for his family.

fina addict or color me big????
this is the wife of what I assume is fina addict or color me big. when i double click the screen name field those two names pop up. I dont know his password so i registered.

I regret to inform you that he had a sudden heart attack and passed away 2 weeks ago. He always said he was a member of several different fitness message boards so I looked in his favorites and this and a couple others were at the top.

He was 28 and a health nut. His brother died 7 years ago at the age of 24 from a heart attack so the doctors believe heart disease runs in his family. He took it to heart and dicided to dedicate his life to fitness when his brother passed away. He had full physicals every 6 months and always came away clean.

He was on his third cycle but he was always straight with his doctor. The treating physician when he went to the hospital said that he doesnt believe that they contributed to his death.

We shared a wonderful life together. We have been together for 9 years. My only regret is the fact that he didnt see his fourth child born. I gave birth to a daughter the day after the funeral. She came 5 weeks early but the doctor said it was probably best because of the emotional stress I was under.

Again, I dont know if this was a board that he went to or not. If you know of him please post this on the other boards that you know he use to go to.

Thank you.
i feel your pain bro. my gf passed away not to long ago. my prayers go out to you and his family. hang in there. be strong
Peace out bro sad thing to hear may the big guy watch over his wife and family. Huge hats off to his wife to be beside his side right to the end and support him