items shipped and customs regulations problem.

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lately I have discovered that customs has siezed some items which are not illegal but yet they have issues with them. I shipped BA/BB and some syringes to a person and customs sent me a letter asking for them to pick them up with an explanation of use and also the contents pose a health hazard and will return them at my expense.

I have run into this for Isareal,Japan,Canada and Spain.
These items are not illegal yet customs has siezed them in some instances. I have sent oil labeled as food items and it essentially is yet they accept foods to be imported although its only allowed for commercial and BA/BB are not yet they are not illegal to import anybody have any ideas as to why?
Customs will not cooperate in answering these questions and simply wants to discard them or make the receiver pick them up with an explanation within a certain time.
With the state it is in now with Biological threats rampant in the world. Anything like that, that is sent usually causes red flags. Then customes can be plain stupid at times too. I was sent a whole crapload ot paper anabolics and they didn't get stopped and when I got it, it was white powder all over the envelope from packaging. Then I ordered some creatine from a buddy of mine in its raw from and he sent it in ziploc baggies b/c he had just started the company...they got stopped in a similar fashion. They are just plain stupid!!! He had to send alot of business info stating he wa a retiler of said product and such.

But it was a big hassle!!!
I've had problems sending BA before, I think its supposed to be sent via Haz Mat only, most places will just ship it but I've had my BA stopped as Haz Mat.
i dont know anyone who deals with customs when it comes to pins. only domestic bro....I too have no idea what the issue is other than they are trying to make sure bombs and what not dont make it through
I live in the middle of nowhere so I have to import most of my stuff. I can only speculate but I believe the "red flag"(so to speak) with customs would be more the syringes and needles than anything else. It just spells out drugs to cutoms officers, especially if it's sent under an individual's name. Do you have success delivering to these countries without needles/syringes?
Bombs is not what they are thinking, trust me, it's drugs.
I agree, but have had very much success sending needles and syringes but the customs have told me that they wanted the receiver to pick it up so they didnt have to deliver it. I contacted one and they said they picked it up no problem customs simply didnt want to be delivering that stuff, he said he was diabetic and thats his medicine and he said customs said ok, no problems or even show ID...strange.
Your kidding me LOL...Isn't funny that customs can be so smart(too smart) yet so stupid! Corrupt as hell also, the bastards! :angry: