its been s while

Had the cortizone treatment in knees and elbows several times over the years, never did much for me either. I would go find another doctor. You dont want to risk anymore damage in your knees. The deca might help some, but it could also do more bad than good. Glad your back, and hope you can get your gym mojo back
Im currently on 1 gram of test, 600 mgs of deca. I've been on for a month now.

My major issue is my knees. I don't know what the Hell happend, but over night they got arthritis really bad. I tried training around the pain, even tried pushing myself. The end result was bad, my knees would swell way up and just get more sensitive. Finallly, I went to a sports doctor, I was going to get an MRI, but he said just get an xray. He could tell it was just arthritis. He shot both knees with cortizone and sent me on my way.

Even with the cortizone, they are still a mess. Popping, cracking, pain, swelling. I've given up on squats, sucks... I loved to squat. Deads, leg press, leg curls is all I can do now. It's also messed up my cardio, I can't run obviously, even stairs bother my knees.

forget the squats, It's been over 10 years since I've done a squat...Yates dropped the squat before he became a pro and he was known for his quads and back

a good trick that I often use if I am having aching joints is to do a static contraction for the given movement-hold it in the fully contracted position until muscle failure

your still going to failure, your still achieving the goal the only diff. is you are not putting wear and tear on the joint
I'm going to try making another come back though. I believe the trick is a daily routine.

Well I know how u feel with the knees and u don't need to squat and can still have success. I am a firm believer in squats but if ya can't ya can't lol anyways hope the deca helps some!