IYO Anavar


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
who has done it? what dose? what results have you got out of it? what length did u run it???:bench:
Have used For YEARS

Anavar is one of my all time favorites and the first anabolic i ever took. 10 years into Iron and i still love it, ive done 80mg for 6 months.. 150mg for 10 weeks.. was the highest i ever went..

average.. 50mg a day for as long i can afford it.. If your taking the proper liver supplements, drinking gallons of water you shouldn't have any problems.. I have had my girlfriends use it in the past at 20mg ED, one even did 40mg for 6 months.. she turned into a machine on me (Without Masculinity):sport:

Blood Profiles encouraged!

Its an overall great anabolic without the sorenes of winstrol or the water of a dbol, i prefer anavar or anadrol.. nothing in between

Muscle hardness-great while dieting, strength gains, vascularity. Its a safe anabolic (though i would never do 150mg again, i was young when i did that)

So, what im saying is 50mg everyday 10-12 weeks.. Perfect
lol holy shit thats a high dose bro haha, yeah its def expensive too wish I could go that long on it
I did 50 then 100mg a day during the last 5 weeks precontest. It definately helped keep my strength up. My girl is doing 50mg a day 4 weeks on 4 off with 50mg of Deca a week and 40mcg of IGF preworkout and the results are awesome and no masculinization at all.
I may give it a shot during the offseason in my rotation.
I'm going to run var at 100mgs e.d with gram of test with about 200-300mgs deca week.. Soonnn
I like var because I don't get sides from it unlike Winnie
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i did var and igf together and liked the results did it for about 8 weeks gained i believe 4 pounds and definetly lost body fat and got more shredded in the process...would love to do this as a summer cycle again..if only $$$$
It is really simple Amazing considering the effects it has, with the Fact that there are potentially no side effects.. I would recommend Oxandrolone to just about anyone !! (assuming it is legit and REAL) :)