JackedUp Upadted pics !!!!! as of March 2001

Hope I am not one of those guys you are talking about that piss you off. I am really polite to everyone, but I do walk around in a wife-beater while I work out. I am not sure if I ever saw you though, cause I think I would have remembered that. I work out between 4-6 Monday through Friday, if your ever in there around that time maybe I can......wait, maybe you can spot me, you would need a big guy to spot you. Great work Bro.

Peace, Husker.
I don't mind people who wear wife beaters as long as they aren't trying to act huge in them when they know they are small :rolleyes: Otherwise if your big and wear one then by all means show it off thats what you work for :)

How old are you husker? I know a bunch of people that go to LTF.
Good lord I thought I had seen these pics already, otherwise I would have responded sooner!

Jacked - you are one big mutha. Autograph one of your photos to me, and I will display it in my workout room - amazing all of my friends.

Your pics either make me want to quit, or work harder - it depends on my mood lol...

GREAT work man! :D
Auri you should be proud yourself, you have really started to look great.

Thanks everyone for the compliments the years of hard work do pay off. :)
Jacked .. .Long time no see bro. I must say, very impressive and true Man of Iron. Hard work, knowledge, diet, training, and overall dedication w/ education. Very inspiring.

Compliments go where they are due.. and my friend, you deserve a huge complment... you are a body builder bro. Glad to have ya back.. and even if you're hanging up your "gloves" ... it's always good to have true knowledge around for everyone else!
Thanks Stickler, i was just about to ask presser where you have been. Glad to see you around again and im glad to be back also :)

It's great to come back and see the progress of some of the dedicated memebers of this board.
Amazing!!! Just amazing. If I ever look like that in my life I will have reached the ultimate goal. Great job man, I know you're very proud and you should be!
I want to be you when I grow up...LOL... I'm 36 and I hope to be able to get that ripped at least once before I die! Good work...most people don't realize how truly HARD it is to get ready for a show. I hope you don't give it up completely bro...congrats again!
BStrongBwell* said:
I want to be you when I grow up...LOL... I'm 36 and I hope to be able to get that ripped at least once before I die! Good work...most people don't realize how truly HARD it is to get ready for a show. I hope you don't give it up completely bro...congrats again!

That's the problem it's too hard. :( you basically need to shut the outside world out and and never do a damn thing but train and eat.
Wow jackedup you have put in a hell of a lot of work. It is too bad you are hanging it up though.

Incredible detail you have there, and I agree about how tough on the body it is to get that conditioned. I was preppgin for my first show a year and a half ago and four weeks out it was cancelled. As if it wasn't hard enough to begin with......I also got real sick afterward and took a while to get over it.

Big thumbs up to you on your hard work and dedication and best of luck to you on your future plans whatever they may be.
These are new pics..lol

I thought these are the ones I had seen before. You look unbelievable Jacked....I understand the need to hang it up. I got started late in the game (30 now). I know how much hard work and dedication it would take to look like you do in these pics bro....I respect the shit out of you for going to the top..and having the wisdom to know when enough is enough. Hope your not a stranger to the board...you have always been a real knowledgeable guy. See you around bro...........456
Guys again thanks for all the nice things you have said.

It is time to hang it up, it's hard to say considering a good part of my life was the hard work and dedication to the sport of bodybuilding. :( :(

I just can't continue to do this anymore no matter how much i will miss it. :(
Wow. I never saw these until today after seeing your post in Presser's thread "4 weeks out". Awesome physique! Your color and oil was perfect too. Definitely stick around. It's nice to know we have guys like you on the board.
Bro, you look like someones science experiment. WOW, great job.

I can't say as I blame ya for wanting to back out for a while, it must be intense being that far into it.