Jake steed 1-9-04

no offense... but what about training naturally for at least another year before doing steroids? i think that you are far away from your genetic potential.
Yeah that is a great Idea. I've been working out for some time now and my diet is getting better however the difference between el natural and using AAS is results. If I was more patient I would go el natural longer but using AAS will help me get me where I want to be. Thanks Big Alex, Do you have your pictures posted?
no, i haven't. and i do not claim to look great. i am an offensive lineman and i'm pretty big, but also fat for bodybuilding standards. i would not receive any praise for my pics. but i wasn't trying to be an asshole. you have a good frame and it shows that you are working hard, it's just my opinion that you would profit more in the long run from staying natural for the moment. however, i wish you the best for your cycle, make the most from it.

I have some new pics with my progress so you can see what I have accomplished. I haven't been on the whole time but I think I look a little different.
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Yea bro...not as bad as alot of people I have seen. Just do a cutting cycle and hit cardio as often as possible(ED preferrably) and you will be fine. Also I would suggest some contracting at teh top of your movements to give your muscles more shape...Also consider doing some Supersets on chest to give it more shape. But you are not that bad at all and have a good foundation to build oon.
I would also say save the masteron for another cutting cycle. Masteron is really a precontest AS that is used when your BF is already low- in the single digits. A good cardion and cutting cycle with thge other supps will defintely do some good.
Back to the basics...

Just to update you guys.... I am going clean for a while. I started getting to many sides and not enough gains to justify being on.

I think my next cycle is just going to be a cutting cycle....

I am debating wether or not I will go back on test. I get very moody and have a bad temper so I may just stick to winny/anavar/primobolan somthing of that nature..

I am just focusing on my routine and diet first. then when I incorp. some sups. I will wait a month or so and then post some new pictures. Right now I weigh 230 and look a little leaner and a have a little more definition.

A trip to mexico might help me reach my goals though! ;0
Stick with it and you'll get to where you want to be. I can tell you have some good muscle hidden there. Just need to cut down a bit and you'll be looking solid.

I will post new pics after halloween I am dieting for the next 3 weeks and should be in decent shape I am sure your gonna wanna see pics from the www.halloweenball.com I am going too here in vegas if you don't see the pics it should be on hbo!

Thanks for all the help. I had someone from this board help me out with a diet plan and that gave me a lot of motivation.

Thanks again,

Jake Steed