Jean Pierre Fux before and after

he didn't do so well after blowing out both knees at the same time with 650lbs on his back
Yeah, I remember that shit. I heard that Per Bernal guy that shoots for MD likes using crazy heavy weights in his shoots. Don't know if he's a dick or not, but that shoot just wasn't safe at all.
Yeah, I remember that shit. I heard that Per Bernal guy that shoots for MD likes using crazy heavy weights in his shoots. Don't know if he's a dick or not, but that shoot just wasn't safe at all.

yea, happened with another pro who is dead now. Was that older guy who started lifting in his 40's or 50's, forgot his name. he tore a pec doing a shoot with the guy.
I always liked Jean Pierre, thought he was a young humble guy with great genetics...

man that guy was big, wonder why he quit lifting all together if he is still healthy
I'm sure that he could handle that weight-but for a photo shoot you would think that they would use fake weights or something
I'd still lift after that, just wouldn't do anything stupid like that again no matter who it was for

I would as well, but man would I be pissed at that photographer. If he is doing shoots like that with big time pro's he should have fake weights