Joined gym again today after couple months off???when to use aas?


New member
I went it was snowing bad drove my 4 wheel drive to gym was pretty much empty. I got a hair up my ass getting tired of feeling soft and smaller than usual so I finally joined.

I had to quit when I started using accutane tuning last cycle it was to much pain on my joints.

I lifted the 45lb plates felt like 100lbs and did some chest and tri's hurt at first then got loosened up.

I have a question how long do you normally lift before starting aas?
I am gonna go about 2 or 3 weeks than got 100 BD 50mg drols and tons of test cyp, prop, fina.

I was wondering how long most of ya go after taking a break before starting in on the anabolics? I normally start right away but am trying to do this better this time think I should get my strength up a bit before starting anabolics.
Thats a good question--my first thought would be to start immediatly--me ,i,d load up on a fina test cycle--150 fina eod and 1.5 g of test cyp(cutting the test down to 1 g after the first wk)just to get it starting to saturate in my system while i got stronger in the gym--then it would come (strength and benifts from gear) all together.
I want to throw in (FRONTLOAD) the BD 50mg anadrols @ 100mg ed soon but want to make sure the timing is right as to use in body when getting good workouts and eating lots of protein not start using it before I am ready.

If not it would be a waste.

I am very tempted to start cyp or eneth but am holding off after a few good workout session and squat days.

I grow like a weed still 245lbs but not proportioned as well and softer and want to do it right seems I done so many cycles I still keep learning new things to improve upon.
while I was on a test/fina cycle I threw in anadrol,50 mgs ed(paperdrol) it made me alittle uneasy--but I blew up so much--started really adding weight to my deads--my arms were stuck at 18" for a long time-I swear ,the anandrol was so responsible for them getting to 18 1/4"--lol.
I think its an individual thing. I would not start unless I am getting close strength wise to where I was before. The body needs time to adjust to the new stress again before kiccking in the turbo-boost. I would guess that you may need about 4 weeks.

depending on how long you were out of the gym.....
personally I train for 4-6 weeks OR until the major soreness is gone.
Try this... train 2 weeks clean, then get some effervescent creatine and use it for a few weeks. As soon as the creatine kicks in your strength and endurance should improve as well as your" head". Then start AAS with a front load. 4- 6 weeks should allow for soreness to be gone, lifts to start comming back, and diet should be back on track...this is just how Ive usually done it following some down time....
after 15 years lifting and many many cycles later I know that it is best to take at least 4 to 6 weeks to get everything circulating again. sometimes when you go off the swelling of tissue <skin and muscle> contracts alot. i just always thought it best to do it that way if not longer -tendons and ligaments also need time to heal. especially after starting again since they have not been used to their maximum in such along time.
oh yeah the simple version
blood flow build up good
too fast= tears stuff
sometimes when I explain things I often get lost myself
Yo DG...WARNING!!! the first few weeks are a MF'er on your head. just bang out the high reps and good form and let the weight come to you. In 4-6 weeks you'll be back swinging for the fence.
Good luck Bro
I know bro first 2 weeks are worse after that its easy gonna die on squat rack!
I am gonna start slow and higher reps (hate to not get heavy but best) and get most my strength and endurance back before hitting the drols and heavy dosages.
I plan on just concentrating with one or 2 body-parts per day.
sweatmachine said:
Yo DG...WARNING!!! the first few weeks are a MF'er on your head. just bang out the high reps and good form and let the weight come to you. In 4-6 weeks you'll be back swinging for the fence.
Good luck Bro

Yeah DG, use the first 4 weeks or so to "prime the pump"..then start pumping the sauce....keep us posted on your cycle and size/strength-maybe some pics too?
Remember,too, DG - you're getting a head start on all those guys w/o 4 wheel drive who are curled up at home under a "blankey"... LOL

lol, I will definalty keep all up to date my minds set I want to be bigger than ever with some new pics to share.

I should snap a before pic for inspiration and post it I am 240lbs right now my bf is 15%!! high as its ever been.

I am so into this but my g/f had to take my truck to work and all I have is a car with bald tires and live in boonies a bit afraid to go to gym right now in this snow.
I like the first month back-It is like being on juice without all the sticks. MY back pumps good and strenght comes up quick. Just sucks to be such a pussy in the begining.
DG, I think everyone has hit it perfectly for you. Take a few weeks to get your diet in order, a few weeks to get mentally focused, and a month or so to get your body back on track. The hardest thing for you may be to keep yourself from overdoing it, lifting heavier weight too soon and winding up getting injured. Take it slow.

I wouldn't be surprised to see you come back here after two months being stronger than you were when you took your break. Good luck :D