JUICE and WeeD???

That "to each his own" is true and I'm in no way condemning anyone(how can you for shit you yourself did for years!)-I think we are missing the point-there are 2 kinds of drug"users"-some guys can smoke weed once or twice a week for years and it has little or no impact on their lives-the other type(me)-one joint is too many and a million ain't enough!!The point is young guys like Madchemist don't figure out which "user" they are until its too late-they wake up 10 or 15 years later and think WTF have I been doing!!Weed shapes your life-picks your friends and sets your priorities-unless you are 1 of the few guys who can make a 1/4 sack last 3 months(they do exist-I know a few-never could figure out how they did it!!)-the only real safe course is to steer clear and concentrate on your training.Again please realize these comments come from concern for younger bros-not condescending or "holier than thou" type shit-just concern-

im 34 and been there done that....... makes you hold water FACT.... ruins your job FACT and if you watched CSI on thursday you could EAT your girlfreind if you had one laced with PCP......
adamar71 said:
i say to each his own. there are many of us who have been there, but just like when a parent tells a child not to do something because they might get hurt the child most times has to learn from experience. now i have smoked and still do every so often and am happy to say that once i put my mind to working out that i have had good results by sticking to a diet. once in awhile i'll blaze one with my buddies, but when i get the munchies i eat fruit and veggies or some chicken or tuna. so i eat health munchies and that totally satisfies me, but like i said.... to each his own. remember bros none of us should throw stones if we live in glass houses. and no matter what it's effects on you, a drug is a drug is a drug. and that's all i've got to say about that.

thanx a lot bro thanx for sharing the experience.
rippedchef said:
That "to each his own" is true and I'm in no way condemning anyone(how can you for shit you yourself did for years!)-I think we are missing the point-there are 2 kinds of drug"users"-some guys can smoke weed once or twice a week for years and it has little or no impact on their lives-the other type(me)-one joint is too many and a million ain't enough!!The point is young guys like Madchemist don't figure out which "user" they are until its too late-they wake up 10 or 15 years later and think WTF have I been doing!!Weed shapes your life-picks your friends and sets your priorities-unless you are 1 of the few guys who can make a 1/4 sack last 3 months(they do exist-I know a few-never could figure out how they did it!!)-the only real safe course is to steer clear and concentrate on your training.Again please realize these comments come from concern for younger bros-not condescending or "holier than thou" type shit-just concern-

thanx a lot bro i really appreciate your help.
i blaze once in awhile and i dont seem to have a problem not eating garbage. It does make me hungry, but i usually just grab a protein shake or some chicken breasts
I've been an everyday smoker for 2 years+
I still make gains and will probably will still smoke when I juice. About the only problem it causes....is the money I spend on it (which would only go towards juice anyways :p ). As for making me unproductive and such, those sides tend to go away with "experienced" users.

The one advantage it does give me, is appetite. I have never been able to eat enough calories (especially clean calories) to put on size (fast metabolism). With weed, eating enough is never a problem.
dreww said:
I've been an everyday smoker for 2 years+
I still make gains and will probably will still smoke when I juice. About the only problem it causes....is the money I spend on it (which would only go towards juice anyways :p ). As for making me unproductive and such, those sides tend to go away with "experienced" users.

The one advantage it does give me, is appetite. I have never been able to eat enough calories (especially clean calories) to put on size (fast metabolism). With weed, eating enough is never a problem.

VERY VERY true. bro u are correct about controling your self but i am still gonna drop. it cuz i am young and dumb so i am better off without it.
Just my two cents: I don't know anyone who smokes lots o' weed that is stacked. But I agree, sometimes you need to just kick back ....puff puff.......... pass...
hey bro, I quit smoking about 5 months ago, after heavy use for about 5 years. At first, my body was f'd up, I was experiencing insomnia some nights, sleeping 16 hours others. Also got a lot of colds. This happened for about a month. Then, I suddenly started feeling a WHOLE lot better, gains increased in the gym, energy levels high, 5-7 hours sleep regularly does me good, and life has been great. Also got career back on track. Good luck!
GottaBeFree said:
hey bro, I quit smoking about 5 months ago, after heavy use for about 5 years. At first, my body was f'd up, I was experiencing insomnia some nights, sleeping 16 hours others. Also got a lot of colds. This happened for about a month. Then, I suddenly started feeling a WHOLE lot better, gains increased in the gym, energy levels high, 5-7 hours sleep regularly does me good, and life has been great. Also got career back on track. Good luck!

yeah bro i am trying to get off of it soon. so how long did it take for u to start feeling good after quiting
ABout 1 month, it sucked, but definitely worth it. And, if you smoke alot, you know how you kinda plan something, then you try and plan to make sure you have weed for it? That bullshit goes away too. Just persevere for the 1 month - if you smoke even once, your blood levels will shoot back up to 100% saturation, and you'll have to start again.
Not to be mean people, but mary jane is not whatso-ever , in the least bit addicting. Anyone who complains of being addicted to this substace for years is bull$hitting. Getting high once ina blue moon is fun whether it be weed or heroin or 5meo-dipt. But anyone who "thinks" they have a phisical or even strong mental dependence on smoking marijuana needs to wake up and realize your telling yourself to smoke and putting that blunt in your mouth. I dont condone drug use in the least bit , but recreation is sometimes mistaken with stupiddity when it comes to drugs use.
Interesting to read everyones responses and I think its clear that each person is different in how they are able to run their lives with or without blazin. And what type of affect they ALLOW it to have according to their level of ambition and self control.

I have smoked nearly everyday for 4 years. During which I have gone from 118 lbs after a severe car accident left me on the couch for many months with a 2/3 amputated right arm(maybe I'll post pics of it sometime) and many broken bones on my right side. Docs said they attached it for cosmetic reasons but it wouldnt work. I had a lot of people praying for me and it works great, no problems lifting or typing!!!! Now 4 years down the road, I weigh 190. I never planned on juicing till that happened, as I had made good gains but after losing all of them and looking like a 14 yer old girl and having no ability to defend myself (an odd feeling for a guy) I decided the only way to get back quick was to hit the sauce.

I have smoked nearly every day for those four years but only at night AFTER work is done and I can just chill in the back yard with friends and enjoy the outdoors (I hate sitting in and watching tv).
I do get the munchies but will ONLY have protein at night. I have never had a problem with sleep while others I know have major battles sleeping. I wake up fresh after 8 hours and feel no affects different from the days I dont smoke at night. Me and my girl are in the gym everyday at the same time, we eat clean, we have great jobs with schedules we set and make plenty of money.

Weed makes me lazy when it comes to physical activity, I know this, and that is why I will only smoke at night, I would NEVER goto the gym if I smoked all day. I know many people who do smoke all day and their lives suck, their jobs suck, their bodies suck, and their finances suck. So it depends on the person and if you know you have issues that you are unable to control then you need to address that by not doing whatever it is that is controlling you!

To each his own, but if weed caused estrogen I know some guys that would have double d's and then some. Not buying that.

Also I find it odd that SSRI's are continually brought up on here to address sleep issues when we have weed available cheap. Why would you want to fuck with the chemistry of your brain with drugs made by some drug company chemist that are known to affect major things in your head just to sleep, when you could smoke a bowl made by God. We know weeds effects and when used in MODERATION it wont mess your mood and your head like those will. And yes I have seen first hand people who take drugs like that, it affects their demeanor all day every day. kinda scary if you ask me.

and alcohol what a scam!!! I feel straight up poisoned if i drink. it sucks the water out of me like nothing else, just dont feel good the next day. shitty, but amazing how many guys will diss the herb and then have a drink. remember you can get alcohol poisoning, but not THC poisoning. Well, according to time magazine you could if you smoked 900 joints in one sitting!!!!

Anywayz if it makes you fuck up then you know that it is not for you my friend its that simple but I beleive weed is a lot better than a lot of things people are doing.