Juice in Packets(like Ketchup packets)


Staff member
My buddy was askingme about this shit, but i never heard of gear in little ketchup like packets, anyone else ever heard of this,. i thought i heard it all after seeing gear on blotter paper,lol, now packets?
I read it awhile ago...i believe it is supposed to be a new way to ship it. Supposed to be harder for customs to get to, but I don't know any of the details about it.
Sachets - The Bright Future Of Injectable Steroids

Now, nearly half a decade after paper anabolics burst onto the scene, this product has arrived on the underground scene. Before I get into that, I'm going to tell you what I won't do. I won't be helping customs figure out how to stop this product, or helping anyone obtain it. Everybody in the underground scene was done a great disservice a few years back when paper anabolics and a description of them appeared in a very well known steroid book, as well as a major bodybuilding magazine, finally having pictures of them appearing in an obnoxious newsletter that somehow everyone in the world ended up on the mailing list for.

That's not going to happen here, I'll assure you. Thankfully, paper anabolics are still a great way to safely receive oral anabolics; and finally there's a way to safely receive injectables too!

The main problem with figuring out a way to safely transport injectable anabolics is how to keep them sterile, and yet still transport them in a container that will get through customs. A few manufacturers in the past (kind of) solved this issue by shipping in bottles of dubious quality and sterility, labeling them as something else. And you know what? It worked - kind of. The problem was that the bottles weren't really sterile and once you had them, you had to transfer the oil into a sterile multi use vial, and filter it, then perhaps bake it just to insure that it was sterile. It was a pain in the rear end, honestly, and that manufacturer eventually went out of business. So until recently, that was the end of the story.

Now, there's something new on the underground market, which is good news to everyone who wants their injectable oils guaranteed to arrive safely. I first heard about this product about half a year ago, and now that I have the manufacturer's permission, I'm going to tell you about it. The product is known by some people (for obvious reasons) as "Stealth Injectables" and they are produced by the Natural-Oils company.

Before I go any further, let me state that the products I'm telling you about are clean, sterile, and accurately dosed. And here's how this feat has been accomplished.

When you and I go to the store to buy something that is presumably sterile, it often comes in a multi-use container. Think about antiseptic cream (Bacitracin, Neosporin, etc.). It's sterile, right?

And it comes in a little tube, containing the sterile cream.

However, when you go to the hospital (or a piercing studio, tattoo parlor, or any Hygienic facility), the antiseptic or antibiotic cream comes in single serving packets to avoid contamination. These packets, or sterile sachets are actually safer than the multi use containers, because there's no risk of opening the container, resealing it, and contaminating the contents in the process. Ampules and single use vials are the same technology - sealed single use containers of oil. Well, if you combine those two ideas, you'll have an idea of what this underground manufacturer has accomplished. Think Steroids that look like Ketchup Packets.

What they have created is a packet (or sachet) that contains 5mls of sterile anabolic steroid oil, and can be mailed virtually anywhere without detection. Pretty ingenious. What will they think up next!
I read about this about 3 years ago and from what I remember a few guys were complaining about infections. Not sure if the process has improved but I can't imagine how the hell you keep everything sterile enough. I know it's possible but I like to keep everything clean and as sterile as humanly possible.
That's how I got my first cycle of Test P. Shit was gay as hell getting it out of the packets and into the vial. Oh, and the prop was painful as shit!
stealth injectibles...theres a lot about them on other boards, theyve been around a lil over a year now...ive talked to some ppl that used em and they liked em.
Yea there a pain, but VERY discrete. I would get a clean 10cc bottle, stick a needle in the stopper, just enough to go all the way thru the stopper (this will allow venting), Get a syringe and cut your packet at the corner, draw up the goods and inject into the bottle. Remove your syringe and needle and bingo. I've seen them and in shipping it looks like a birthday card or something.
Alin owns a real licenced pharma factory. All it's details are posted al over the net, including the licences. That's where the BD gear used to be made.
The real Stealth Labs line is his made in that factory.
Since he launched, there are tons of copycats out there. I never heard anyone having problems with the Stealth products, only with the copycats. Maybe 'cause the copycats are ug stuff?
the stuff I'm talking about has been around a lot longer than a year so it's probably not Alin. I know he has a good rep and I've used his other products in the past with great satisfaction. I'm talking about UG stuff from at the very least 5 years ago or more. I'll drop a note to one of my bro's who used it and got an abscess and ask him what brand it was.
I've used them. They are great!! Packets are about 3" x 3". Use 5cc syringe and 18 g pin to empty packet. Easy to use, and per lab tests, potent as hell!!
I tried that package crap from stealth.. A few weeks later I had an infection and fever. I will never f@#$ with that stuff again... It was hell explaining to my doctor a spider bit me!!
nitro_tech2k3 said:
I tried that package crap from stealth.. A few weeks later I had an infection and fever. I will never f@#$ with that stuff again... It was hell explaining to my doctor a spider bit me!!
that must have been one hell of a deep spider bite! lol
mikeswift said:
that must have been one hell of a deep spider bite! lol

Yeah I think it was one of those South American spiders they find in the Amazon... but seriously Stealth and Alin can both go to Hell!!! Its time to find a new watering hole!!!
nitro_tech2k3 said:
I tried that package crap from stealth.. A few weeks later I had an infection and fever. I will never f@#$ with that stuff again... It was hell explaining to my doctor a spider bit me!!

You got an infection a few weeks after your injection??
Big A said:
You got an infection a few weeks after your injection??
1st. I was wondering the same thing myself...

2nd. Typically infections are evident within 72hours when it comes to inj.

3rd. Stealth and Alin are 2 of many GREAT companies with top notch products and reps...

4. I have to lean towards another reason for infection.. especially one that took 3 weeks to show up... After 25 years of bodybuilding and over 20 shows I have never seen nor heard of a infection taking 3 weeks to show up... Are you sure it was the product?

Your skin may not of been clean enough, what did you use to clean teh area with?

What did you do within 5 days of that infected area, cause after talking to my neighbor he said "3 weeks to get infected, umm no".. IF you do an injection you will have redness within 24 hrs, itching with 48hrs, swelling within 72hrs and after that a very serious infection is festering and soon will wind up in your blood stream and begin effecting the surrounding area..

If your statement said 3 DAYS that I could believe but not 3 weeks, sorry... there is more to your situation then you have said or are aware of
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Big A said:
You got an infection a few weeks after your injection??

No... About my second week during the begining of my cycle. My ass swole up and had red streaks running through it and those damn night sweats were hell. I finally had to bite the bullet and go to the doctor.. boy, let me tell you about a terrifying experience. I never want to have to do that shit again!!!!
nitro_tech2k3 said:
No... About my second week during the begining of my cycle. My ass swole up and had red streaks running through it and those damn night sweats were hell. I finally had to bite the bullet and go to the doctor.. boy, let me tell you about a terrifying experience. I never want to have to do that shit again!!!!

That is a serious infection, did you not have any signs before the streaks started showing up?... usually you get redness, tender to the touch, hotness around area and itching... I am glad your okay now. What did they do for you?
bigbaldbulldog said:
1st. I was wondering the same thing myself...

2nd. Typically infections are evident within 72hours when it comes to inj.

3rd. Stealth and Alin are 2 of many GREAT companies with top notch products and reps...

4. I have to lean towards another reason for infection.. especially one that took 3 weeks to show up... After 25 years of bodybuilding and over 20 shows I have never seen nor heard of a infection taking 3 weeks to show up... Are you sure it was the product?

Your skin may not of been clean enough, what did you use to clean teh area with?

What did you do within 5 days of that infected area, cause after talking to my neighbor he said "3 weeks to get infected, umm no".. IF you do an injection you will have redness within 24 hrs, itching with 48hrs, swelling within 72hrs and after that a very serious infection is festering and soon will wind up in your blood stream and begin effecting the surrounding area..

If your statement said 3 DAYS that I could believe but not 3 weeks, sorry... there is more to your situation then you have said or are aware of

Listen buddy you can go to hell.. It sounds like to me your in cahoots with ALIN and thats fine and dandy if you are, but dont come around here trying to discredit me. You dont know my background and where I come from and you never will. Yes I recieved an abcess from the great companies of STEALTH and ALIN, and yes I wont be associating with them any more. One more thing, I know how to give an injection so dont come around me with that juvenile BULLSHIT saying it must have been something else.