Juice in Packets(like Ketchup packets)

Woah Slow down Cowboy no one is flaming you, if you go back and read Bulldogs post he's just posing possibilities and trying to help and even ended his post with "I am glad your okay now."
nitro_tech2k3 said:
Listen buddy you can go to hell.. It sounds like to me your in cahoots with ALIN and thats fine and dandy if you are, but dont come around here trying to discredit me. You dont know my background and where I come from and you never will. Yes I recieved an abcess from the great companies of STEALTH and ALIN, and yes I wont be associating with them any more. One more thing, I know how to give an injection so dont come around me with that juvenile BULLSHIT saying it must have been something else.

It sounds like what you are saying is bullshit. Because anyone with any kind of experience knows what an infection happens like. And how you described yours, it doesnt' add up. Either you are not explaining yourself properly, or YOU are full of shit.

BTW, I guarantee you that BBB is not associated with Alin in any which way shape or form.
mikeswift said:
Woah Slow down Cowboy no one is flaming you, if you go back and read Bulldogs post he's just posing possibilities and trying to help and even ended his post with "I am glad your okay now."

A reaction like that usually happens from someone that feels that they might get discovered so the try to put out any obvious clues by gettign defensive, but that actually makes look even more guilty.

But then again, maybe he is just not expressing himself properly. We'll see.
Thank you MikeS and BIGA, I am sorry Nitro for your pain and suffering but I assure you I have no afilliation with any company let alone Stealth and ALIN but I do know they are highly respected... From the information you posted I drew the best conclusion I could.. perhaps you left something out by accident or made a oversight or innocent mistake.... But I have a pretty extensive background in AAS, infections and medical/medicine... 4 years as a medic in the ARMY in battlefield injuries from sprains, breaks, fatigue and gun shots... I have yet to see an infection unfold after a few weeks after injection... I have seen infections occur post injections but they occur with a few days..

I am sorry that you feel I am flaming you but I assure I am not I was only trying to help you out and get to the bottom of your injury and help others learn from it once we had all the facts... Maybe your situation happened just as you said.

I hope it never happens to you or anyone again and I am glad you were okay in the end... Best Wishes and Good Luck
Big A said:
A reaction like that usually happens from someone that feels that they might get discovered so the try to put out any obvious clues by gettign defensive, but that actually makes look even more guilty.

But then again, maybe he is just not expressing himself properly. We'll see.

Who are you Big A Sigmund Freud??? I was not addressing you.. I was talking to BBB. You just had to throw your sorry 2cents in didnt you.

As for BBB, I feel you sympathy and I thank you for your concern. I agree with you I hope that maybe someone might read this thread and learn something, I highly doubt they will but you never know. As for that sachet crap they came up with I just dont see how they can keep it sanitary, obviously in may case they couldnt. So I apologize to you BBB, for a minute there I thought you were so called "Flaming" me and I guess I have perceived things wrong, I have the tendency to get the wrong impression at times and I guess that its just me being cautious. Once again you have my apologies.
nitro_tech2k3 said:
Who are you Big A Sigmund Freud??? I was not addressing you.. I was talking to BBB. You just had to throw your sorry 2cents in didnt you.

As for BBB, I feel you sympathy and I thank you for your concern. I agree with you I hope that maybe someone might read this thread and learn something, I highly doubt they will but you never know. As for that sachet crap they came up with I just dont see how they can keep it sanitary, obviously in may case they couldnt. So I apologize to you BBB, for a minute there I thought you were so called "Flaming" me and I guess I have perceived things wrong, I have the tendency to get the wrong impression at times and I guess that its just me being cautious. Once again you have my apologies.

You're skating on thin ice.

And you haven't answered any of the questions. So, this is what I believe:

Your story is not real. You are simply posting it to smudge Alin's name. When you got called on it, you got defensive because you know your story is full of shit.
BTW, Alin's Stealth is made here - www.balkanpharmaceuticals.com It's a government approved licensed and backed pharma factory. The stuff is sterile.
Big A said:
You're skating on thin ice.

And you haven't answered any of the questions. So, this is what I believe:

Your story is not real. You are simply posting it to smudge Alin's name. When you got called on it, you got defensive because you know your story is full of shit.
BTW, Alin's Stealth is made here - www.balkanpharmaceuticals.com It's a government approved licensed and backed pharma factory. The stuff is sterile.

Buddy once again.. Im not talking to you.
What makes you think you are GOD of this community based board. Sounds like to me your in cahoots with alin.

This is a discussion board and I came across a thread that was talking about stealth sachets. Being that I had a bad experience with them I thought it would be a good idea to let people know about there being a possible chance that they are not as sterile as they state. Afterwards you begin acting like Im a liar and try to discredit me. You need to reevaluate the situation here.
Sound like to me you are profiteer and and looking at your attachments under the texts you write, I would say my assumption is correct.
nitro_tech2k3 said:
Buddy once again.. Im not talking to you.
What makes you think you are GOD of this community based board. Sounds like to me your in cahoots with alin.

This is a discussion board and I came across a thread that was talking about stealth sachets. Being that I had a bad experience with them I thought it would be a good idea to let people know about there being a possible chance that they are not as sterile as they state. Afterwards you begin acting like Im a liar and try to discredit me. You need to reevaluate the situation here.
Sound like to me you are profiteer and and looking at your attachments under the texts you write, I would say my assumption is correct.

You are full of shit and a liar. You are not answering ANY questions about your bullshit story and are getting defensive.
And yes, I am your GOD on this board. Because, guess what? I just banned your ass. People like you bring the value of this board down with utter stupidity that comes out of your mouth!
You beat me to it Big A, I was about to Ban him myself after that last post. :wave:
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Wow.. I go to work the last 12 hours and I come back and all this unfolded.. It's too bad people don't let things go.. For what it is worth apology accepted Nitro Tek..

Thanks for the back up guys... BBB