Just Chicken


New member
Im eating lots of chicken as of late. Im finding the all natural chicken from Trader Joe's taste best. The rest just sucks, taste's like poop. Any of you guys/gals have a preference for certain kinds? Cooked right it's very tasty and lot's protein with small amount of fat. I also tried the Chick-fil-a place and I was not impressed. I mean 5 dollars for a small chicken sandwich. I won't go there again.
We eat a lot of chicken here and we cook purdue chicken here or we grab the whole chicken roasters from the supermarket that are already cooked and ready to go! Love them!
the key to chicken is finding out how many diff. ways you can make it so you don't get burnt out

I've found BBQ and ranch go a long way
the key to chicken is finding out how many diff. ways you can make it so you don't get burnt out

I've found BBQ and ranch go a long way

No doubt!! BBQ I love! I don't think I've ever had ranch though, like ranch sauce you mean bro?? I love ranch sauce but never had it baked on chicken but bet it good! Honey mustard chicken rocks to
no I meant cool Ranch dressing and just dip the chicken in it after you cook it...kinda like A-1 for steaks

BTW A-1 with chicken and rice is fairly good too
no I meant cool Ranch dressing and just dip the chicken in it after you cook it...kinda like A-1 for steaks

BTW A-1 with chicken and rice is fairly good too

I love A-1 but never had it with chicken, I'm sure I'd like that to lol
We eat a lot of chicken here and we cook purdue chicken here or we grab the whole chicken roasters from the supermarket that are already cooked and ready to go! Love them!

These are the best choice when on the road. I pre cook mine every night, bake them. Question is can you bring food with you during the day/work? If so, precooking can also save alot of money for you.
I actually ordered two orders of chicken fingers earlier today lol with honey mustard mmmm mmmmm good!

I actually made the delivery guy come back once cause they forgot my honey mustard sauce lol no point in eating plain chicken fingers lol
These are the best choice when on the road. I pre cook mine every night, bake them. Question is can you bring food with you during the day/work? If so, precooking can also save alot of money for you.

I couldn't agree more with saving a lot of money that way!!
Bojangles 4 piece supreme dinners on the go, yes I know they arent that good for you, but damn they are good. Love the whole roasted chickens from wally world.
some times I'll cut the chicken up and mix it with the rice, then add BBQ sauce and some A-1 maybe a little black pepper

mix it all together then eat or store in the fridge for the microwave later
Bojangles 4 piece supreme dinners on the go, yes I know they arent that good for you, but damn they are good. Love the whole roasted chickens from wally world.

Please tell me their aren't stores called Bojangles and Wally's world lol isn't Wally's world from lampoons vacation lol and I'm with ya as my chicken fingers aren't so healthy lol but it's decent Protien lol
Thats what we call Walmart, lol. I know youre joking about Bojangels right? Best fastfood chicken in the world.
those pre roasted ones are pretty good. I usually get the pack of like 10 foster farms at costco that are now individualy pkg.
I keep a few in the frig and freeze the rest. Cheap, nothing added and clean. Different ways of cooking is the key. Arroz con Pollo
(pcs of chicken cooked with the rice is good) Lots of times I slice thin and pound thinner and marinate then fry or BBQ. slice and
over noodles with water chestnuts and brockly switches it up too.
Yeah, we bought one of those big individual multi packs of chicken tenders from costco. Pretty convenient and each pouch has enough for two people plus leftovers. In fact I'm going to make some stir fry tonight with one of them. Quick 15 minute meal.