Just curious........


New member
I see people putting their personal pics up and thats cool. But to put your face in the pic? It's easy enough to find someone through IP addy and all , so why would anyone want to make LE or any other idiots job easier to find you. If in fact we were to be looked for.

Just something I wanted to ask because I see some newbies do it but then they change it due to being told it's not a good idea.

No Offense to anyone , I just gotta know what would make someone do this.

Peace Oz
i'm not a lawyer and this is not a legal answer, but i believe i've read and it makes sense that because the internet posts are considered "hypothetical" because it's very hard to prove that it was ACTUALLY you and not someone posing as you who posted about cycles, gear, and whatnot....even with knowing the IP address and having a fully visible faceshot who is really behind the keyboard?.....makes sense....think about the number of myspace friend requests for hot chics that are actually some old dude scammer in another part of the country.......
it doesnt matter whether u put ur face up or not, if they want u they will find u! and they will do it without even bothering to look at ur face in ur pics or avatar, so it doesnt make one single ounce of a differance! now if you were openly dealing steroids or something of that nature then maybe i would think twice about it, but it doest matter otherwise if a bunch of guys are talking about doing this or that,
it doesnt matter whether u put ur face up or not, if they want u they will find u! and they will do it without even bothering to look at ur face in ur pics or avatar, so it doesnt make one single ounce of a differance! now if you were openly dealing steroids or something of that nature then maybe i would think twice about it, but it doest matter otherwise if a bunch of guys are talking about doing this or that,

Yup...don't get me wrong I thinknthe govt wastes a lot of time going after steroid users...but it would be pretty tough to get a warrant to go arresst someone for a post on te Internet....like presser said if ur talking about dealing or some huge shipment you got in it's probably not a good idea....of course if you get in trouble obviously talking about ur usage online will definitely incriminate u

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Sounds like an attorney answer to me...J/K...lol
Everyone makes sense on their point of view here. Thanks

I saw on some news program that when you take a pic with your phone and send it to someone across the world , that you can actually find exactly where the pic was taken. And not by something in the picture.

How true..."if they want you , they will get you". Think about it...with all the smart phones and GPS's on them , you are pegged wherever you go!! They ought to do a reality show on the criminals they get via their cell phone. I would watch and laugh hysterically....dumb , dumb !! I'm sure it happens everyday....

Peace Oz

i'm not a lawyer and this is not a legal answer, but i believe i've read and it makes sense that because the internet posts are considered "hypothetical" because it's very hard to prove that it was ACTUALLY you and not someone posing as you who posted about cycles, gear, and whatnot....even with knowing the IP address and having a fully visible faceshot who is really behind the keyboard?.....makes sense....think about the number of myspace friend requests for hot chics that are actually some old dude scammer in another part of the country.......
Phones that are GPS enabled will encode that information into the metadata of the picture, and you can get exact coordinates. I know the iPhone does this, and I wish you could turn it off.
it doesnt matter whether u put ur face up or not, if they want u they will find u! and they will do it without even bothering to look at ur face in ur pics or avatar, so it doesnt make one single ounce of a differance! now if you were openly dealing steroids or something of that nature then maybe i would think twice about it, but it doest matter otherwise if a bunch of guys are talking about doing this or that,

Couldn't have said it better myself.
The jack ass divisions of agency's that go after this shit only do it occassionally when its the hot topic of the month. Even then they do it for a headline. Some guy using some juice and posting on the internet isn't going to get any attention. Especially if you're using it personally and spacing out your orders. Its the loudmouth guys that get sloppy and people start bitching about that get popped. If they really wanted to go after big steroid users they could just get the Olympia roster. Most guys in LE don't give a fuck about AAS use.
The jack ass divisions of agency's that go after this shit only do it occassionally when its the hot topic of the month. Even then they do it for a headline. Some guy using some juice and posting on the internet isn't going to get any attention. Especially if you're using it personally and spacing out your orders. Its the loudmouth guys that get sloppy and people start bitching about that get popped. If they really wanted to go after big steroid users they could just get the Olympia roster. Most guys in LE don't give a fuck about AAS use.
Your right Dude, because most of them use aas. And OZ, I love the pic you have on here.
I don't know what the powers that be can and can't use, but I just try to use common sense in things that I post instead. I don't care if people see my face, I'm not trying to hide from anyone. You just have to watch what you post as far as what you ordered and when you expect your delivery etc.
There are a lot of newbs on other boards that will post "yeah, bro, so I just ordered xx and yy from sponsor aa, and my eta is monday! I'm really stoked!" You probably don't want to post that, or "I just got in a pallet of HGH and like thirty bottles of test!"
Well you may not believe it but I don't look like underdog. If anyone asks Im actually Al Gore. After all I invented the internet. As said before they can find you. Ive had someone in chat tell me where I was and show me a pic of my house on google maps in about ten secs. They store all the information too. If they want you bad enough they will get you pic or not.
Well you may not believe it but I don't look like underdog. If anyone asks Im actually Al Gore. After all I invented the internet. As said before they can find you. Ive had someone in chat tell me where I was and show me a pic of my house on google maps in about ten secs. They store all the information too. If they want you bad enough they will get you pic or not.

People can also watch you if you have a web cam on too. A colleague of mine had some sort of virus or something implanted on his computer simply by opening an email and the person who did it was a friend. He was able to see the guy through the webcam on his laptop and could see his screen and all the shit he was doing.

Incredible the shit people/government can do if they want.