Just got Prescribed Adderral at 20mg tabs taken twice daily. My Questions Are……….


Staff member
So in another thread a while back i was asking about nootropics or whatever they are called, the mind brain power pills and powders and such.

Anyhow, I was prescribed Adderall 20mg tabs instante release, not the XR (extended Release) so these hit fast and i have to take 20mg tab twice daily.


So i have been having a hard time concentrating on one task lately, and i wind up doing a little bit of everything during the day but not a lot of one thing lmao. So i was looking for something to help me get laser focused at work and grind out tasks from start to finish. I took the commors test for ADD & ADHD and my doctor scripted me the adderall and said its a good start.

So yesterday i finally got it, and i wasn't able to take two cuase it was already noon, and i was told never take on past 1pm if i wanna sleep at night lol

So after i took the one 20mg tab, i didn't feel too much, no euphoria like i read from some people, but my wife said i wouldn't shut up, as i went home after i took it incase i got sick or something , then after an hour i headed to work, and well its a catch 22 and i will explain how:

I wanted to this stuff to focus and get tasks completed start to finish and not doing a little bit of everything all day

so yesterday i noticed i did indeed start one task and i had a couple other things that needed to get done as well, problem is after i started the initial task, i kept going and didn't stop, and never got around to the other two things i needed to get done , lmao.

So now I'm concerned that i may not be able to multi task on adderall lol, how fucking nuts is that, its like i got so in depth with this one project that i couldn't stop and start doing the other 2 things i needed to do, lol, now thats what i call a catch 22 wtf!!

I had a weird head ache, like their was some chemical bubbling going on in my brain lol, best way i could describe it lmao but i fell asleep and woke up great this morning,

I took 20mg at 7am, and took another 10mg at 10am, and i will take another 20mg at 1pm. I feel focused as fuck right now, but still feeling a slight headache.

So does anyone have experience wight his stuff, and do the head aches subside and how eel did it work for you and at what dosages?

Lastly, please i don't wanna hear how adderall killed your buddy or hooked your girl.

Just positive shit!
I used the instant release one's through school. I tried XR's but I didn't get good results with it due to the slow release and my high tolerance to stims. The headaches never really went away with me but they were never anything horrid. Just be sure to take in more water.

I noticed better focus at higher doses, like pushing 60mg or higher and it'd last 4-5 hours, but I had that same problem of only dialing in on one task. If you're trying to burn through a single thing adderall is king, however I'd suggest not writing on it because you may start rambling in your papers lol
Watch your BP and HR on it though. Long duration use can fuck with that.

If you're looking to multi task try Provigil (Modafinil). It's technically a narcolepsy drug but it was developed for use of Special Op troops to stay alert in over night and long duration missions. You won't get that intense focus like high from adderall but it allows to help block out all the BS around you can stay on track with work. It doesn't interrupt the sleep wake cycle like amphetamines do either. It's rumored to be what the movie Limitless was loosely based on and I know a lot of high levels CEOs swear by it. Plus studies have shown it increases muscular endurance in atheltes when taken 60-90 mins prior to exercise. So there's that too lol

Hooray smart drugs!
I feel both have there place in focus/work so why not try both.
I used the instant release one's through school. I tried XR's but I didn't get good results with it due to the slow release and my high tolerance to stims. The headaches never really went away with me but they were never anything horrid. Just be sure to take in more water.

I noticed better focus at higher doses, like pushing 60mg or higher and it'd last 4-5 hours, but I had that same problem of only dialing in on one task. If you're trying to burn through a single thing adderall is king, however I'd suggest not writing on it because you may start rambling in your papers lol
Watch your BP and HR on it though. Long duration use can fuck with that.

If you're looking to multi task try Provigil (Modafinil). It's technically a narcolepsy drug but it was developed for use of Special Op troops to stay alert in over night and long duration missions. You won't get that intense focus like high from adderall but it allows to help block out all the BS around you can stay on track with work. It doesn't interrupt the sleep wake cycle like amphetamines do either. It's rumored to be what the movie Limitless was loosely based on and I know a lot of high levels CEOs swear by it. Plus studies have shown it increases muscular endurance in atheltes when taken 60-90 mins prior to exercise. So there's that too lol

Hooray smart drugs!
I feel both have there place in focus/work so why not try both.

Thnx bro, I did specifically ask the doctor about Modafinil and he said adderall was better to focus with energy, maybe he meant better for "me" considering he knows me and my symptoms, anyhow, I really appreciate your reply bro! I been researching like crazy online and people love this stuff, and a lot of them say they feel euphoric all day long for long periods of time, and i didn't get that, but then again i was on 50mg ephedrine hcl twice a day along with 800mg caffein tabs twice a day and 325 aspirin .

So maybe the ephedrine use over the last GOD knows how many years straight has hindered low doses of adderall, maybe i need more, a higher daily daose of adderall, lol, yeah thats it, lol, am i rambling, lol, ok ill stop
or maybe my long term ephedrine hcl use has depleted my dopamine and norepinephrine stores hmmm
They've shown recently that there's a genetic component to tolerance with just about everything. So it could be that. I've always had a high tolerance to everything. I.e. My roommate can drink a cup of coffee and be wired for hours and borderline heart palpitations. I on the other hand can take 3 scoops of pre workout after having 2 cups of coffee then take a nap lol. You might just have the same issue I do. God damn homeostasis lol. So blame the genes and tell your doc they worked great a first but now you don't feel anything and maybe he'll give you 30s haha
I would like to try it due to its supposed appetite suppression, a lot of guys swear by it when dieting for contest...............has it killed your appetite?
Nah been eating ok but I was never a big eater anyhow . My neck muscles feel drained though. Hoping tomoro gets better a bit.
I am not a good multi tasker. Sometimes I will have five files open on my desk, and nothing ends up getting done because I switch from one to another.
So in another thread a while back i was asking about nootropics or whatever they are called, the mind brain power pills and powders and such.

Anyhow, I was prescribed Adderall 20mg tabs instante release, not the XR (extended Release) so these hit fast and i have to take 20mg tab twice daily.


So i have been having a hard time concentrating on one task lately, and i wind up doing a little bit of everything during the day but not a lot of one thing lmao. So i was looking for something to help me get laser focused at work and grind out tasks from start to finish. I took the commors test for ADD & ADHD and my doctor scripted me the adderall and said its a good start.

So yesterday i finally got it, and i wasn't able to take two cuase it was already noon, and i was told never take on past 1pm if i wanna sleep at night lol

So after i took the one 20mg tab, i didn't feel too much, no euphoria like i read from some people, but my wife said i wouldn't shut up, as i went home after i took it incase i got sick or something , then after an hour i headed to work, and well its a catch 22 and i will explain how:

I wanted to this stuff to focus and get tasks completed start to finish and not doing a little bit of everything all day

so yesterday i noticed i did indeed start one task and i had a couple other things that needed to get done as well, problem is after i started the initial task, i kept going and didn't stop, and never got around to the other two things i needed to get done , lmao.

So now I'm concerned that i may not be able to multi task on adderall lol, how fucking nuts is that, its like i got so in depth with this one project that i couldn't stop and start doing the other 2 things i needed to do, lol, now thats what i call a catch 22 wtf!!

I had a weird head ache, like their was some chemical bubbling going on in my brain lol, best way i could describe it lmao but i fell asleep and woke up great this morning,

I took 20mg at 7am, and took another 10mg at 10am, and i will take another 20mg at 1pm. I feel focused as fuck right now, but still feeling a slight headache.

So does anyone have experience wight his stuff, and do the head aches subside and how eel did it work for you and at what dosages?

Lastly, please i don't wanna hear how adderall killed your buddy or hooked your girl.

Just positive shit!
I have nothing to add because I have zero experience, however, this is the funnest thing I have read in a long time.. I could totally visualize as I was reading this..Sounds like me.. I have to micro manage with my career and this is my day, everyday... thanks for sharing man!

Now I want to try these, because I do have ADD and never ever took meds for it,and it has effected my life in many ways, some good, and some bad...But Im finding out more and more that these meds work marvels on mature adults with ADD rather then youth (teen'ish)..

How would I explain to my Dr about trying these without sounding like Im looking for a fix? how did you go through this with your dr, step by step?

This whole thread has me interested, especially the Provigil (Modafinil)..

Footer, what dose of provigil did you use and your said "friends"?
This constant fucking headache sucks balls!! And just print out the CONORS TEST for adhd and add. It'll say adhd but same thing when ur older you lose the H and it's just add then take it to ur dr
Ive taken it a few times while taking a break from my ephedra products. It did put me in a really good mood, and killed my appetite for the whole day. the weirdest thing though, was I started noticing I could smell-- really good. Like, freakishly good. I could smell someone's deodorant, shampoo, and soap all at the same time, from several feet away, and distinguish between all of them. Then I noticed I could smell glass cleaner on the glass from several feet away. I was freaking out and thought I was developing Wolverine's scent abilities ha ha...Then I googled side effects of adderal, and sure enough, heightened sense of smell was one of them. So if you do any hunting, pop a couple before going into the woods! lol
lol, too funny cause yesterday i asked my wife if she was using different laundry detergent, and she said yeah how did i know, i said i smell the cloths hanging, and she said they're still in the washer downstairs lmao things are crisper for sure,
well as of today I'm officially done with this shit! I had headaches for days on end, sick feeling as fuck, now i did stop my ECA stacks for the first time in years when i started the adderral, so maybe i was withdrawing from ECA and adrenal made it worse, but went back on my ECA stack today and never taking adrenal again, walked around in a fucking fog for 4 days straight
well as of today I'm officially done with this shit! I had headaches for days on end, sick feeling as fuck, now i did stop my ECA stacks for the first time in years when i started the adderral, so maybe i was withdrawing from ECA and adrenal made it worse, but went back on my ECA stack today and never taking adrenal again, walked around in a fucking fog for 4 days straight

I'm really sorry to hear this brother because at first it sounded like it was a great success for you, because hearing your story was giving me much hope and it intrigues me because everything you described throughout the entire tread was like you were speaking about myself....

I'm wondering if there's any other alternatives that could help treat ADD, one of the other members also mentioned a different type of medication I'm going to look into that one
heres the thing, the first day i took the adderall i had already taken my ECA stack that morning, and i felt pretty good on it, and Saturday i didn't take the ECA stack for the first time in probably 5 or so years as I have literally been taking ECA stacks every single day and some days twice a day. So anyhow Saturday was my first day without the ECA in many years, and i still felt good on just the Adderall, Then Sunday ,monday and Tuesday i took Adderall only without ECA stacks, and it was the worse headaches ever, i was in a fucking fog, so I'm thinking maybe i should NOT have dropped my ECA stacks, and just kept on both the ECA and Adderall , as my wife thinks i was withdrawing from stopping the ECA and it was being made a lot worse due to the adderall.

Anyhow that may be the case, but regardless, i don't wanna take a chance and try the adderall again while on ECA, cause it was GOD awful for me!
heres the thing, the first day i took the adderall i had already taken my ECA stack that morning, and i felt pretty good on it, and Saturday i didn't take the ECA stack for the first time in probably 5 or so years as I have literally been taking ECA stacks every single day and some days twice a day. So anyhow Saturday was my first day without the ECA in many years, and i still felt good on just the Adderall, Then Sunday ,monday and Tuesday i took Adderall only without ECA stacks, and it was the worse headaches ever, i was in a fucking fog, so I'm thinking maybe i should NOT have dropped my ECA stacks, and just kept on both the ECA and Adderall , as my wife thinks i was withdrawing from stopping the ECA and it was being made a lot worse due to the adderall.

Anyhow that may be the case, but regardless, i don't wanna take a chance and try the adderall again while on ECA, cause it was GOD awful for me!

That sucks to hear that things spiraled out of control that fast, and honestly I think the proof is in the pudding right there that it was in fact you coming off of your stack... your receptors are used to stimulation and signaling and all the sudden the routine was disrupted with an entirely different signaling process within the network and the firing mechanisms of your neurotransmitters...

But I will say I did learn from your short duration and I'm going to look into this myself because I member 7 years ago I was prescribe some medication from my doctor after my father passed away, it was to help me with depression and such, I remember a lot of it really improved my cognitive behavior and thought process as well as my comprehension....
I recall taking a shit and I was sitting there for quite some time and I grabbed a bottle of shampoo, and I was reading the back of it and it was rather interesting then I grabbed a tube of toothpaste and read the back of that and at this point it was the most interesting thing I've ever read..... you know something positive is going on when you leave the bathroom a smarter man and a better person!

Unfortunately the prescription for all the medication proved to be too much even with an elite insurance package so I dropped everything...

I'm really interested with trying to improve my comprehension and attention span.... because I'm a junkie when it pertains to articles and studies and at times I have to read them several times just to understand the paragraph.... my attention span is suffering tremendously!

And good call on throwing them away we're not drug dealers around here, pushing and pedal and drugs are for deadbeat..
I take a break from EC 4-5 months out of the year and it sucks. Through in no prework out with C and it is hard to get going..................I think your wife may be right Caffine withdrawl is brutal, but I feel it is nessessary when I am not cutting.