Just got some hgh...

What kind? Generic ? Most are 10iu. So one ml ..And one box will not do much of anything if you really want to know..It's a long term situation..
It's pharmrxl recombinant hgh 20ui somatotropin. The box is put up I think I spelt all that right. I know one box isn't a lot but it's a start, right? What would you start at 2ui a day?
Yes, start at 2iu and go from there, you'll want to order more as you won't see much until you've been on it for a few months (maybe 6 if not more). So if you stay at just 2iu a day, you'll need at least 3 more boxes
As long as i works its good. Like everyone has said 1ml of bac water and start with 2iu's and work up from there. Things tend to really hit me rather fast because of my crazy ass metabalism so In 2 weeks my whole body started to really change. It can mke your hands and elbows really crampy like carpil tunnel symptoms, but they pass after a while.