Just purchased IGF LR3. Excited to try!!

I haven't tried again after the first time. I will try again tonight in a different area. Also with my training being in the morning from 6AM - 8AM, would it be ok to inject after the training is over 30 mins before i have a big carb breakfast? On non-training days how would the timing work best?
Honestly I pin at 6am and go straight to work and don’t even pin pre workout.. it has a half life of 20 to 30 hours so don’t know how would it make any difference on what time you pin.. people swear by prew workout but again half life is long so don’t see what would be the difference.. I would understand if it was igf des then I’d do it pre workout or even during the workout
I had dose knots too but I pinned way many times and only got them 3 times maybe 4 and they have gone.. they only last a week or 2 never tried it IM so I might try it this time around

At first I wasn't sure if it was the growth hormone or the IGF but I started pinning each on a different side and found out it was the IGF.
At first I wasn't sure if it was the growth hormone or the IGF but I started pinning each on a different side and found out it was the IGF.
Same thing happened to me 5 or 6 years ago when I first tried it. The best thing I ever did was switch to IM the results are much better and no bruises or knots..

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Yeah I’ve had a few knots subq, always went away though as you said, most guys go to the muscle instead of subq , but for those who want to try subQ then just apply it very slowly to help prevent the little knot.

My personal opinion through years , decade plus actually, is that subq is better at burning fat and applying to muscle is better for muscle building, both ways works for both, but I do think each way has its better ability of the two I listed (burning fat and building muscle)

Shit I wish I would have seen this sooner. I will definitely inject slower in the future.