just to confirm... Nolvadex


New member
its in citrate form.... just making sure its valid nolvadex... this is just drank? Should it be mixed with anything...? Ive heard this form (in comparison to tabs) requires 1.5X more dosage...true?


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no idea but if their compnays product needs 1.5 times more dose then pills to be equivelant then i wouldnt buy from them! You want a company thats dose is proper bro, I never heard of this about liquid form needing more dosing to equal same pill dose,

try this link, its gaurenteed to be perfectly dosed!
nah, not talkin about the companies poduct bro.. It was just something I had read... it stated that liquid forms need 1.5X the dosage, regardless, I'll make sure to look at that site! By the waym that product is from pnp
what Anti-E do you suggest from the options on MC? LiquaFem? Being used for PCT of course
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Yes, I am familiar with their product I can't get over that it looks like milk.
The dosage should be equal whether its in tabs or liquid form. How much is each dropperful? If you have to take more than tabs, then I woudl not buy it either.
just gona post the quotes which made me wonder about the 1.5X thing, let me know what you guys think, most of you are a lot more educated about this stuff than me....

"because a 10mg nolvadex tablet actually has 15.2 mg tamoxifen citrate=10mg tamoxifen (wo/citrate) and what percentage actually get into you system after it goes through the liver. (i.e. methylphenidate is 30-50%, and amphetamine is 90%). This needs to be factored in to the equation. actual dosage=tablet mg.(100/%)(10mg/15.2mg)"

#2: The info on the dosages is correct - I checked it out with a Doctor I work with -
apparently 30.4mg of tamoxifen citrate is equal to 20mg of raw tamoxifen.
If you buy, for example, legit nolvadex the dosage is given as the dosage of tamoxifen, so a 20mg nolva will contain 30.4mg of citrate - so if you're buying powder or liquid multiply the dosages by 1.5, i.e 30mg of tamoxifen citrate in liquid is equivalent to one 20mg nolva tablet

so, what do ya think
got me stumped bro and yeah why in the hell is it milky white? should be clear bro, or atleast all the ones i have seen are clear, only thing i have ever seen stay milky once fully dissoled is cialis and viagra, not knocking you, or your pnp company at all either, just curious bro as to why its linky white? what do they use to mix/dissolve their powders in? thnx bro and again i have no idea bout the percentages you posted above and the ratio in wich we actualy get, thnx for the info, gives me something to look into bro!
no idea why its milky white dude.... no offense taken on my side, and Ive got no relations to php, Im just lookin for a good Anti-E. What do you suggest off the site you posted? Thanks bro
for the price i would go with femera but persnaly i like nolvadex best
I myself like armidex as an anti. I have used that stuff before, looked the same from the same company, and it is underdosed. Never been a fan of any of there products before.
brew said:
I myself like armidex as an anti. I have used that stuff before, looked the same from the same company, and it is underdosed. Never been a fan of any of there products before.

got any other suggestions? As far as I know liquid Nolv is actully legal...
anyway, did that product work well for you?
Arimidex raises my cholesterol. It's milky white because the powder is simply suspended and doesnt completely dissolve.....kinda like suspending anavar. It's good stuff.

Yes, Citrate requires 1.5x more to yield the neccessary MG.....No biggie.

For those who have ever purchased tamoxifen in blister packs and it said 20mg tamoxifen.......it actually contained 30mg tamoxifen citrate to yield that 20mg. The citrate binder occupies volume.
ok CYPHON, Im gona go on your word and purchase it even though it requires 1.5X more, no biggie really... hopefully it'll work fine
err, wait, after reading a bit more Im finding that the test level increase in Nolvadex is not suffecient enough to gain back what you lost... now im only gona be using a PH so im not sure if its the same or not.... I understnd its better for gyno, however I doubt id be facing that prob with PH... I think I may face low test levels though... should I look into Clomid instead?