gymbound said:Econ 101- it takes 8 years for economic policy to take effect. We are now reaping the benifits of the changes that Clinton made, coupled with the effects of 9/11. The economy was good for the eight years Clinton was in office from the changes made by Bush Senior and Reagan. And the actual tax rates on the weathy are higher than middle class. Making $1million now means actually "taking home" $1/2 million. The middleclass pays nowhere near that rate, it is closer to 1/3. Personally, I feel the only fair tax system would be a flat rate. Everybody pays the same percentage regardless of income, but that is another LONG discussion.
Ahhhhhh,,, this is soooo refreshing... I was starting to think 1/2 the country is a bunch of retards.....oh yea they are.
I wish they would make Econ a required class in Elemetary school.
When Reagan took office the highest tax bracket was over 70%!!!!!!!!!!! now that's nuts
Flat Consumption tax... including legalizing drugs and taxing them... I'd pay tax on gear.... ya wanna know why? It would be soooooooo cheap if it was legal. (Unless that taxed it like 500000%)