kerry or bush?

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And another thing, this country is filled with more charity organizations than any nation in the world. Where do you think they get their money, from your five or ten dollar annual donation? No, from the checkbooks of the rich. The rich are not greedy, sure there are exceptions to every rule, but the wealthy give tons of money to charity in the United States. In fact if you had 500 million dollars, do you mean to tell me you wouldnt use that to help as many people as possible while still living wealthy. I know I would.
You dont have to look far to see the truth here, how much money does that guy collecting change on the freeway corner give to people worse off than him (like kids in 3rd world countries) each year. The poor contribute much smaller PERCENTAGES of their money to people worse off, and there are always people worse off. Poverty is for the most part a behavioral habit. We are in America, the World Richest Nation with the most Opportunity of any country, if you cant get rich here, you cant do it anywhere.

The more you can do for the world, the more you will be piled high with cash.
"You obviously are not exercising any ability or grace whatsoever to tolerate any opinion or statement which is not in agreement with your own beliefs"
Thats funny, because I disagree with you, who got to state your opinion, now I am intolerant? Typical of the intolerant left.

How do you suggest I exercise grace to tolerate your opinion? By keeping my mouth shut after you say what you want?
One thing for sure...

This thread does point out how INCREDIBLY polorized the USA is right now!
People are either one way or the other- and there aint no changing anyones mind.
I've never seen politics so divided and heated in my, albeit short, life. Good friends, family members, husbands and wives all are arguing over this stuff BIGTIME.

I am almost afraid to say this next thing, but....
Despite your opinions, see Fahrenheit 9/11. BEFORE you jump on me and this film, listen- I suggest seeing it only because its real point (which most people do not realize) is how polorized this country is. And how the big parties (GOP AND the Dems) play this up to get us to fight with each other. Even if you already know you are voting Bush and HATE Moore- see it for this reason. OK, there, I said it.

Make the pie higher- SK23
Good advice Skinny23! As for AZ1, I don't think you are getting what I'm saying. I'm sure that there are issues about this campaign that we agree on. On others, we should agree to disagree but without malice. And no, I am not trying to prolong this exchange although I have not posted so often before on any one subject. If you do not hear from me again on the subject, you can assume that you have won the debate. No offense intended.
F 9/11 is your intellectual source. Jeeesh. No wonder you do not like facts but can only resort to the use of unsubstantiated smears like that dumpy little propagandist who could not even get his false documents forged accurately.
The point of the film is to lie because you are mad and blame even your lies on your opponents.
why don't all of you just move to a different country!? Except for coldheartbear your a bunch of idiots! First of all without rich people there would be no middle or poor class because they provide people with jobs. Secondly, bush is taking charge on steroids because they are being heavily abused in sprots everywhere and it is not fair to do that shit in sports. It gives guys an advantage over others who don't use. Kerry didn't fight!!! He was in vietnam for like 2 or 3 months and 249 out of 250 of his men said he was worthless and didn't do anything!!! He is a coward! A phony and a loser! You want a guy that voted to cut the cia by 80%? Ya that's smart! He voted against body armor and artillery. After everything is done you don't think we will be vulnerable to be attacked? AGAIN!? SKinny23 your an idiot!! God, farenheit 9/11 was made by a bunch of dem's and it is all fake and they try to convince you to vote for kerry. Bush is a good man, not the best but better of the two. Ya he did coke but clinton did drugs also. Look how many liberals loved him. HE's an idiot also. Kerry threw his medals away after he came back from vietnam and protested with hippies calling those patriots baby killers. You don't think kerry did drugs, a hippie?! That is who this generation who are democrats rallying like a bunch of morons(hippies). They all need to open up their damn eyes. And another thing. People say that all those people hate us over there in the middle east. They all love us! 95% of them think we are the best and we need to protect them. How would you like it if you seen little kids being blown up by land mines? How would that make you fell. We need to help these people and it won't be easy but we'll do it.
I find that this thread has to carry to much controversy, I have to delete it!

Since "we are all a bunch of idiots" as you put it, at least I can read and comprehend what I am reading and remember it.
When i started this thread I asked for maturity and the freedom to speak and be heard without rude or obnoxious behavior. It apparently was to much to ask from some of you, and you wonder why we dont have certain rights anymore and censorship is at an all time high.

Just speak what you have to say about the subject and then move on with being rude or such, your opinion is just that an opinion, we WILL NOT always see eye to eye, thats why your you and I am I.

Most will not share views and we as ADULTS should expect that, its who we are. However, we can express our views and facts as we wish to present them without all the BULLSHIT and IMMATURITY of name -calling and rudeness.

Get a grip guys and get your ass's in a mature manner or I will simply delete this thread and nobody will be heard.

For thos of you who just think or want to think I'm being an ass, think again this will escelate if we continue to be immature and rude, and I will not risk any hard feeling and or ill will with another member over something that we all feel and are allowed to feel so highly about. I agree we have opinions and your are yours and mine are mine.

Just to show you I was able to communicate my point without calling you all a bunch of "idiots" or "fucko" etc, Im sure you get the point.

So please, I ask that you guys maintain your composure and be pleasant with your comments or I WILL DELETE THIS THREAD!

Thank you.
what does it matter if we cuse? This is debating I have laid out the FACTS not opinions buddy. OK dad we'll behave.
I dont give a fuck if anybody curse's just not in refering to other members...thats all bro.
Shit say whatever the fuck you want as long as its respectful to others and non-directive to other members.

Lay out facts bro remember I dont care just be respectful to each other, thats my concern , not your facts or opinions.

Yeah be good son or I will put a boot in your J/K
Gentlemen! I hesitate to say anything here because I don't want to further anger, shock or excite any one. But don't you think it's about time to let this one go or at least give it a rest? I've read everyone's opinions and reported facts or at least what they believe to be facts but I haven't read even one reply which indicated any one was changing their mind about their initial position. I'm guessing that Strider may be wishing that he never started it even though he has done the best job any one coud expect of controlling it. No attempt to chastise any one here. Just a thought.
how can you change someones postion in politics? Congress can't even do it! That is why we have democrats and republicans. Democrats base their views on opinions rather than facts by the way, that is also a fact.
People change their minds, their parties and their politics. Remember. Reagan was once a democrat. I just haven't seen that happening here. Not over their opinions or facts or anything else. So there must be some other purpose for the contention. To reveal truth, to prove you are right, to prove the other party is wrong or to win the "debate?" If you hold to the idea that you can't effect someone's position on an issue, then it must be one of those things or something else.
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It rarely happens in government and isn't happening here so that must tell you something. It is Very hard and near impossible to change a dem. into a rep. Each of them have their own train of thought and thought process and it is hard to convince otherwise.
That's pretty much the way I see it too. It's all in the eyes of the beholder. There are some outstanding examples of big changes in thought. You may remember how much effort George Wallace put into pointing out where he felt he was in error earlier in his political career. But you're right. It's pretty rare. So maybe we shouldn't get too wound-up over disagreements which will have to remain disagreements.
I understand completely but when these people on this board, who are democrats, talk about politics they are not stating the truth in their position. My point is that if your are going to speak your side make sure you know the truth and the facts on their statements and for politics as a whole for that matter. That is all I am saying and I am willing to bet that everyone, including you, will agree with that.
As a matter of "fact" I will agree with your point. But in all due fairness to every one, I'd also say that the validity of facts can also be a matter of interpretation. And personally I probably won't take the time to research each fact for myself. I've also observed debates in which people successfully take facts out of context and extrapolate from them. Sit in on a trial and you'll know what I mean. All you can do is try to be factual to the best of your ablility but you can't allow yourself to be overcome by the way others choose to proceed.
I hope some one else has some thing to say about this. I feel like 2 people have taken over the whole thread. Maybe some one can conclude it properly. At least we've been behaving.
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Mission Accomplished...Whatever you say Mr. Corporate Finger Puppet. F them Both. Bring on the apocalypse and get it over with.