Ketogenic diet question


I am so not into fad diets but I have been reading in the ketogenic diet and wanted to get your take on it. It actually does make sense in training your body to burn fat as fat is actually easier to use than protien. What's your take?
i know your asking this for 3J but i can say that i dont know exactly what the ketogenic diet consists of, but if it puts you actually into ketosis , then theres a solid chance your going to burn off some muscle to if your not spot on careful and even then you'll likey eat some muscle. Im speaking on being in actual ketosis though, where your smelling ammonia through the day, but again im not sure exactly what the ketogenic diet your speaking about consists of.

can you elaborate what it is, for others and myself, as ive seen various listing for the same diet name.
True keto will mean your diet needs to be about 70% fat less than 10% carbs and the rest protein. Between carbs, fats, and proteins, protein is the worst source for actual energy because it needs to go into protein glycolysis to become glucose which isnt an efficient process. There's actually a lot of health benefits to eating keto as well. The reason it tends to get a bad rep is that people either eat too much protein with it or won't stick to it long enough to actually adapt to fats as a main fuel over carbs. This takes about 2-4 weeks to happen and you WILL feel like shit during that process. If you want to learn more on it look into Dr Jacob Wilson out of U of Tampa. He's currently doing a lot of research on keto on himself and several athletes.

Honestly I will eventually switch into keto once I get a little older for the anti inflammation benefits and the cognitive benefits.
I am wondering for the inflammation properties of this would be good for me to try I have had a huge problem with tendinitis over the years. I know a true keto diet is supposed to be muscle sparing meaning it won't break muscle down but I am wondering how the keto diet would work on cycle.boh and presser there is a thread just search ketogenesis. I understand the theory and all I'm just wondering practical experience especially on cycle
Research has shown that it doesn't effect protein synthesis and in some subjects it increased for whatever reason. So on paper, it seems like it shouldn't be an issue. Also I believe IFBB pro Jason Hughes eats keto now a days. I could be wrong on that but I remember seeing him mention it in the past and that mother fucker is HUGE lol

SO being on gear shouldn't make a difference. If high cholesterol is a concern, keto actually combats that
I am wondering for the inflammation properties of this would be good for me to try I have had a huge problem with tendinitis over the years. I know a true keto diet is supposed to be muscle sparing meaning it won't break muscle down but I am wondering how the keto diet would work on cycle.boh and presser there is a thread just search ketogenesis. I understand the theory and all I'm just wondering practical experience especially on cycle

i know bro, theres many threads on keto diets and alot of them are different for whatever reason, which is why i asked you to elaborate on yours, but thanks for letting me know i can fucking search for it lol,
It's only a few threads down pressed lol. But basically I'm a nutshell when your day starving your body burns fat hence why you lose weight but then when the fat is gone your body eats muscle. The low down is eating a diet 70-80% of daily intake is FAT. It trains your body to use fat and not carbs. Carbs actually spikes blood sugars also where fat does not. That's kind of it in a nutshell but it looks hard cause your talking you need to consume 20-50g of carbs a day total.
Lol I might actually try it and see how it goes I need to do food shopping amyways. I am in the preliminary research stage now so maybe few weeks I'll give it a go.
I have been doing keto dieting on and off for 15+ years. It is a great diet to get lean quickly. I have found that it will take muscle with the fat just like other diets. I like to do it when on cycle.

There are a lot of trick to doing it right and keeping your mind right. It is one of the hardest diets to follow long term which is why I do it 5 days on 1-2 days off. I don't go crazy on the 1-2 days off ( treat it like a cheat day and you loose very little fat). The secret is getting into ketosis very quickly ( there are definitely some secrets to this). Keep in mind you will feel like shit when on it. Low energy, no pumps, kills your cardio, etc............

Once you get used to it, it is one of my favorites; because you really can't cheat on it or you throw yourself out of ketosis. What I like about it is foods that are normally off limits are good to go on this diet.
Just to add, once you're adapted to keto your muscle glycogen storage will be the same as a high carb diet. I don't remember why cuz I read this back in college but eating keto is gonna come down to if you want to do it or not. Only way to find out how it works for you is to just go for it. Just don't back out after 10 days and start claiming it doesn't work. Good luck

Also there's a peptide ketone out there that aids in getting you there faster. Not sure of the name tho. But it exists
I'll have to watch her videos again forgot her name but seems very smart it's that 47 yo chick on YouTube. Says you can get into ketosis im a week. Stephanie keto person, that's her YouTube name. Just didn't take too much stock in what she says cause she has always been in real good shape but the more I read the better it sounds. But like you said it's tricky, one apple and your out of ketosis
I did it when I was younger and got very lean. With a family it has been hard to adhere to because of all the carbs sitting around for the kids/wife.
keto dieting is very effective in burning fat.. the downside is that it can be highly psychologically taxing and leads to diet failure..

the idea is to keep your protein and fat intake very high.. i recommend a minimum of 250g protein, less than 30g trace carbs, and the rest filled with fat intake..

yes, it preserves muscle.. yes it works great..

no it will not give you an abundance of energy.. its not for the performance athlete..

the first few days of it can be rough as your body goes into keto.. once that happens things normalize fairly well..
One more note, it used to take me a day to 2 days to get into ketosis. Now that my body has gotten used to it, I can get into ketosis in 4-6 hours.
let me add that you should not take your calories too low on a diet like this.. 20% of your tdee should be deducted.. no more
Yellow snow, 2 days? Wow any tips for getting into keto that fast? I need to food shop Saturday so might give it a go and shop for it this Saturday. See if I can get one of those combo glucose/keto testers cheap
Yellow snow, 2 days? Wow any tips for getting into keto that fast? I need to food shop Saturday so might give it a go and shop for it this Saturday. See if I can get one of those combo glucose/keto testers cheap

PM me. some of the things can be dangerous and I hesitate to post them and someone do something stupid............You really have to know your body and by trial and error can get down quick.
it usually shouldn't take more than 3 days to get into keto.. esp with the right workout routine to deplete glycogen stores
Started my keto diet today. Yesterday after regular meal my blood glucose was 116. This morning on waking up it was 76 and after my first keto meal it was 86. Few hours later it went down to 76 and after my keto lunch it went to 89. So looks like right where it supposed to be right?