Kevin Levorne is starting to look like he could be ???


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member

Yeah, in the Levorne report he has been making some seriously good gains and is up to around 225-230lbs already in 5 weeks (started at 196lbs or a tad less) How far out is the Mr.O ? 12 weeks or so ??? I mean I think if he wanted to he could comeback and do some damage at the Mr.O...

What do you guys think ???
Next year maybe this year i just dont think it would be likely. Hes a genetic freak but so are the other competitors and they have been training for this all year.
20-30 pounds in a little over a month natural is pretty damn crazy...... i cant even do that in 2 months on 1g of test and d-bol......
Damn, he makes me sick. We all wish we had genetics like that.
That is pretty incredible. It just goes to show how many people think that drugs make the man in the ifbb but it really is a genetics game. I have said this before but remember reading he ate 8-10 pounds as a maintenance phase in his dieting. Pretty incredible. I bet he got sick of steaks.
Muscle memory

I'm convinced that once a muscle is big and shrinks, it doesn't take long to get back, but for those who have used gear, it comes back even more quickly.

I don't know why this is. I'm sure he has nothing left in his system, but.....the muscles remember blowin' up quick.....

I wonder if that really holds true. The muscle fascia would be pretty stretched out from being that big. Provided that fascia doesn't change very easily, that could explain for the quick regrowth.