King Krypto

This really should be illegal, and anyone who wants to feel this high has serious problems. I DID NOT KNOW it was a drug, I thought it was some herbal safer smoking tobacco, the way the guy sold it to me... for only 15$ by the way. I have never been so scared in my life. I don't like the way weed makes me feel, that's why I don't smoke it, but this was not ten times, try 1000 times as strong. I thought I was going to die. I went to the hospital. I took this at 7pm last night, it is now 12pm the next day, and I am still high, only now it just feels like weed and I can actually function. Literally, I was incapacitated. I had a hard time calling my friend to come get me. It felt like I was being ELECTROCUTED. It is NOT FUN!!!! That feeling of being electrocuted and blacking out for a millisecond every second lasted for FOUR HOURS!!! Marijuana should be legal, yes, but you see!?!?!? The government makes money off of PATENTS and this is totally SYNTHETIC!!! I never would have tried it had I known. This was the scariest thing that ever happened to me. NATURAL home grown unregulated marijuana is what should be legal. The one who made the comment that they could pay the national debt with drugs is right on. They DO make their money off of drugs and WHO KNOWS what it is going to!!!!! UGH!!! Make this illegal.... horrifying.
This really should be illegal, and anyone who wants to feel this high has serious problems. I DID NOT KNOW it was a drug, I thought it was some herbal safer smoking tobacco, the way the guy sold it to me... for only 15$ by the way. I have never been so scared in my life. I don't like the way weed makes me feel, that's why I don't smoke it, but this was not ten times, try 1000 times as strong. I thought I was going to die. I went to the hospital. I took this at 7pm last night, it is now 12pm the next day, and I am still high, only now it just feels like weed and I can actually function. Literally, I was incapacitated. I had a hard time calling my friend to come get me. It felt like I was being ELECTROCUTED. It is NOT FUN!!!! That feeling of being electrocuted and blacking out for a millisecond every second lasted for FOUR HOURS!!! Marijuana should be legal, yes, but you see!?!?!? The government makes money off of PATENTS and this is totally SYNTHETIC!!! I never would have tried it had I known. This was the scariest thing that ever happened to me. NATURAL home grown unregulated marijuana is what should be legal. The one who made the comment that they could pay the national debt with drugs is right on. They DO make their money off of drugs and WHO KNOWS what it is going to!!!!! UGH!!! Make this illegal.... horrifying.

This really should be illegal, and anyone who wants to feel this high has serious problems. I DID NOT KNOW it was a drug, I thought it was some herbal safer smoking tobacco, the way the guy sold it to me... for only 15$ by the way. I have never been so scared in my life. I don't like the way weed makes me feel, that's why I don't smoke it, but this was not ten times, try 1000 times as strong. I thought I was going to die. I went to the hospital. I took this at 7pm last night, it is now 12pm the next day, and I am still high, only now it just feels like weed and I can actually function. Literally, I was incapacitated. I had a hard time calling my friend to come get me. It felt like I was being ELECTROCUTED. It is NOT FUN!!!! That feeling of being electrocuted and blacking out for a millisecond every second lasted for FOUR HOURS!!! Marijuana should be legal, yes, but you see!?!?!? The government makes money off of PATENTS and this is totally SYNTHETIC!!! I never would have tried it had I known. This was the scariest thing that ever happened to me. NATURAL home grown unregulated marijuana is what should be legal. The one who made the comment that they could pay the national debt with drugs is right on. They DO make their money off of drugs and WHO KNOWS what it is going to!!!!! UGH!!! Make this illegal.... horrifying.

Some people shouldn't smoke... I use Krypto regularly and it makes me SUPERMAN!
It will be illegal in Louisiana in about 15 days. They have a new law kicking in. I have tried k2 summit, ultra, and some other things and never stayed high more than an hour or two at the most.
You want the truth from someone who isn't high?

My son is an athlete. It is his pic on my profile pic at age 14. He is now 18 and is addicted to herbal blends. It has ruined his athletic career and I won't say what that was but he had a full ride scholarship and eventually dropped out because of issues cause in large part by this crap. Why in the world any of you fitness people would want to test this stuff out is beyond me. It started out okay for him. He got into it to relieve stress and get high without the fear of getting drug tested. It interrupted his sleep patterns and has killed his stomach. He lost 15 pounds of muscle and could not eat unless he smoked it. He ended up having night terrors and some paranoia. Now he gets down right jitters and tremors if he doesn't get his hit. He went from having the world at his feet and talent beyond measure, to loosing his love of what he used to find joy in. I see bazillions of smoke shops opening up and it disgusts me. He believed the lie that it was a harmless lie. This printed and told by the sellers of the garbage and druggies who have no goals and nothing to lose.
Please don't let this happen to you. I only found this place because of this post because I did a search on King Kryptonite because I just found it in his room. We just got him out of suicide watch at the hospital and the first thing he does is sneak out and buy this crap. Little choices that seem inconsequential can add up to a disaster. True, that a lot of people can do these drugs and escape this hell, but is it worth the risk? He went quickly from using to get high to using just to make it through the day. That's what drugs do. I'm so heartbroken.

One thing I found interesting, he had been using our cell phone for months, and when he went into the hospital I took it with his permission. He had told me days before that he felt as if nobody cared about him and said that neither did he. After seeing all the texts on this phone, I would say he sadly was right. 2 out of 25 or so "friends" on that phone were real friends who sincerely cared about him as a human. Only 2 treated him with dignity. Unbelievably sad.
You want the truth from someone who isn't high?

My son is an athlete. It is his pic on my profile pic at age 14. He is now 18 and is addicted to herbal blends. It has ruined his athletic career and I won't say what that was but he had a full ride scholarship and eventually dropped out because of issues cause in large part by this crap. Why in the world any of you fitness people would want to test this stuff out is beyond me. It started out okay for him. He got into it to relieve stress and get high without the fear of getting drug tested. It interrupted his sleep patterns and has killed his stomach. He lost 15 pounds of muscle and could not eat unless he smoked it. He ended up having night terrors and some paranoia. Now he gets down right jitters and tremors if he doesn't get his hit. He went from having the world at his feet and talent beyond measure, to loosing his love of what he used to find joy in. I see bazillions of smoke shops opening up and it disgusts me. He believed the lie that it was a harmless lie. This printed and told by the sellers of the garbage and druggies who have no goals and nothing to lose.
Please don't let this happen to you. I only found this place because of this post because I did a search on King Kryptonite because I just found it in his room. We just got him out of suicide watch at the hospital and the first thing he does is sneak out and buy this crap. Little choices that seem inconsequential can add up to a disaster. True, that a lot of people can do these drugs and escape this hell, but is it worth the risk? He went quickly from using to get high to using just to make it through the day. That's what drugs do. I'm so heartbroken.

One thing I found interesting, he had been using our cell phone for months, and when he went into the hospital I took it with his permission. He had told me days before that he felt as if nobody cared about him and said that neither did he. After seeing all the texts on this phone, I would say he sadly was right. 2 out of 25 or so "friends" on that phone were real friends who sincerely cared about him as a human. Only 2 treated him with dignity. Unbelievably sad.

bad news for you buddy: your son is a loser. if someone can let a drug, especially one as benign as a synthetic cannabinoid ruin their lives, well that is downright pathetic. i feel sorry for your son having to have you as a father too. perhaps if you were more open to talking with him about things he wouldn't have resorted to this garbage, and could have simply smoked some real weed. i hate the shit, but hey i know plenty of people that use it to relax and turn in at the end of the day.

you sound like those garbage movies like reefer madness used to scare youth into thinking the stuff is actually going to cause madness lol....
I have to agree with Shap on this one. During my earlier years I experimented with a lot of drugs, all of which are more detrimental and addictive than fake pot and I'm a college-educated, successful adult. It didn't ruin my life. Just proves the point that drugs don't ruin lives, people with no self control ruin their own lives.
Shaptown's delivery is a bit harsh, but he did hit the nail on the head. Are you seriously blaming a choice to use a substance on your son's miserable failures?? Drugs don't make choices, people do. Your son's situation is 100% his doing and people like you are the reson we are losing all of our god given freedoms.
To Saudades, Not THC

This is in response to a posting by "saudades"

They do not put THC on another weed, if this was the case you would still test positive for it on a drug test.

The chemical responsible for the high with these legal buds is a synthetic (man made) chemical designed to produce similar effects to THC which is found in marijuana.

One of the most common chemicals used is called JWH-018, which has now been banned in a few states, but there are other synthetic cannabinoids that produce these effects.

It is definately safer to smoke weed as opposed to these legal buds, because these chemicals are new, and the long term side effects are unknown.

Humanity just needs to get their heads on right, and allow marijuana, which has existed obviously for thousands of years, legally.
bad news for you buddy: your son is a loser. if someone can let a drug, especially one as benign as a synthetic cannabinoid ruin their lives, well that is downright pathetic. i feel sorry for your son having to have you as a father too. perhaps if you were more open to talking with him about things he wouldn't have resorted to this garbage, and could have simply smoked some real weed. i hate the shit, but hey i know plenty of people that use it to relax and turn in at the end of the day.

you sound like those garbage movies like reefer madness used to scare youth into thinking the stuff is actually going to cause madness lol....

Yeah that was called for! Im sure their was no other way you could have gotten your point across without being a dick and flaming someone, which looks real good for other new registered users to come on here and see and decide they are afraid to post what they think might be a dumb question and then decide not to be active and contribute for fear of being flamed.

Seriously "your son is a loser" real cool!
i know that was totally messed up on my behalf. I am actually the "loser" for posting something like that. It is indeed pretty difficult to see all these one-time posters knocking stuff that they clearly don't have the evidence to do. Again, my response WAS unwarranted, but I just wish that people didn't have to post such ridiculous accounts of self-destruction; it sounds like a downright government driven propaganda campaign....
This is in response to a posting by "saudades"

They do not put THC on another weed, if this was the case you would still test positive for it on a drug test.

The chemical responsible for the high with these legal buds is a synthetic (man made) chemical designed to produce similar effects to THC which is found in marijuana.

One of the most common chemicals used is called JWH-018, which has now been banned in a few states, but there are other synthetic cannabinoids that produce these effects.

It is definately safer to smoke weed as opposed to these legal buds, because these chemicals are new, and the long term side effects are unknown.

Humanity just needs to get their heads on right, and allow marijuana, which has existed obviously for thousands of years, legally.

I learned that just a week ago since they've revived the story here where I live. I understand now that it isn't THC but a synthetic that is similar which is why it doesn't show up on drug tests.

i had to make an account after reading all these posts, so sorry for intruding

Ok, alot of these posts really bother me. First of all, all you paying $30 a gram are dumb. Second, The effects of Krypto and other look alikes are harmful obviously, but not is known so far as to what extent. i have been an active user of krypto for over a year and i show no signs of long term harm, the same harm as marijuana if any.

in my state, michigan, it was outlawed, but the chemical JWH-018 was outlawed, but many chemicals such as JWH-091 and JWH-090 remain to be used. but then those were outlawed as well.
Many herbal incenses remain legal because there are too many smart stoners out there developing it.

in my experience however, the effects of these "legals", (as they are referred to around where i live for obvious reasons), do not last nearly as long as THC, but may be a more intense effect to some

so, therefore, i smoke the stuff, and im not dumb...period, idk if i will be in the future, cuz i was smoking about 3-5 grams a day of assorted legals for about two years and im just as fine as i was before hand as far as i can tell, i do however do not recommend over usage of the herbs because all of the rumors about them giving you headaches and making you sick are true, i have gotten sick a few times from smoking too much, so just keep it in moderation and you should be fine
I have to agree with Shap on this one. During my earlier years I experimented with a lot of drugs, all of which are more detrimental and addictive than fake pot and I'm a college-educated, successful adult. It didn't ruin my life. Just proves the point that drugs don't ruin lives, people with no self control ruin their own lives.

so true man, i wish more people could realize this