Knot at injection sites

If that is the route that some people have to take, they need to be sure to go slow with their pins. If you inject to fast you will get a knot. Better to go slow than have to deal with that.
Knots ah yes, started with a 25g but have been using a 23g for awhile now. Like the flow much better. Yeah it goes through much faster but like said you have to slowly push and for those just starting make sure you alternate. I prefer my delts but use different spots different times to allow time to heal. Just my 2¢

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I draw my gear then run syringe under hot water in sink. I heat with only plastic part under water not needle part. I heat until a couple drops comes out of needle on its own from expansion from heat. Takes about 45 sec. I inject slowly often stopping if muscle tenses and leave pin inside but move until muscle relaxes again instead of pushing against tense muscle. I have alot of scar tissue like I am sure alot of us do. I move over from last time in same area. I only do glutes, outer thigh, delts, and meaty tissue under delt on top of triceps. With only mon and Thurs injections up to 2-1/2 cc I only do glutes.

Warmed up my shot like you were talking about and it was smooth as silk. Thanks for the info.