L-Carnitine Injections, fat loss, and bodybuilding.

I am plotting something... how about using a DSMO like smolder or ab fx gel .. mixed with CLEN.... and rub that on several small L-Carnitine injection sites.... like say the love handle area .... My theory as it would be insanely synergistic ...[h=2]any thoughts?[/h]
Sounds like something I'd like to try.
I am plotting something... how about using a DSMO like smolder or ab fx gel .. mixed with CLEN.... and rub that on several small L-Carnitine injection sites.... like say the love handle area .... My theory as it would be insanely synergistic ...any thoughts?

That would make a fun experiment and a great log.
Here is the link but just repeating so you can save 5%. If you use the code ELVIA1023 you get 5% off your total order.

I have finally received my pins so starting my synthetine properly 2moro. I am gonna dose 400mg pre workout and see how that goes :)

good looking out daddio!
I've been using the oral l-carnitine for awhile now, didn't even know the injectable existed! Def checking this out.
There really is a night and day difference for me now in regards to pre workout synthetine usage. I have used synthetine before every workout for a long time. It's the same everytime... plus the higher the dose the more I notice. Anyway I didn't taken it today and obviously not like it's a different body but after training my vascularity and general fullness what nothing like when I use synthetine. Plus for the first time in ages I didn't leave the changing room dripping with sweat. On synthetine my body temperature is higher and I literally have to dry myself with a towel about 10 times after a sauna/shower :D
what about adding L-Carnitine to Helios to make an ultra Helios. I know of one source that sells that along with other compounds, but I can't remember who the source is.
I've been using the oral l-carnitine for awhile now, didn't even know the injectable existed! Def checking this out.

If you are getting any noticeable effect at ALL from the oral carnitine you will
be amazed with the injectible. Orally most things are hardly noticeable as much
of the compound is destroyed in the stomach before getting into your system.

Very interested to hear about your experience once you try Synthetine.
You can homebrew it. Raw l-carnitine powder.

Hmm, I have had 2 separate vendors try selling me their injectable l-carnitine and I said no to both of them, but it keeps getting more and more popular, so since its 100% legal I wouldn't mind carrying it my store if I was able to make it myself,

So how would you make the l-carnitine powder into an injectable for fat loss?

L-carnitine powder to injectable recipe is welcome and wanted!

I am going to try it for my spring cut and see how I like the injectable. Anyone know what kind of half life this stuff has( I am assuming 2-4 hours)?