Labcorp and presser and everyone

  • Thread starter Thread starter strider
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I just want to say that this has been my home for some time. It was under a different name for a while and then cam back after I did my time in the Military.
I have seen alot of stuff happen and a lot of good bro's and ladies come and go. What services are offered here are for you as members as family. Dont knock what you dont understand and who you dont even know. I think presser has done a great job of picking Mods and sponsors. They are the ones keeping this board going now in this time.

Start choosing your words wisely and who you knock, some of you have orders out and such. I know that a man of his word is always true and presser was that to me and many others. As for lab-corps. It is being handled the guys here have no control of it, as they have said. But be patient and be responsive in a positive way. remember this is your home and your family stick together and be strong seperate and then you must choose your battles wisely.

Just be understanding to what is going on, companies come and go and this may be no different, then again with your support it may be back again strong as ever that depends on us.

thanks for listening.
Dr mOney I do know. its poeple like you who dont understand friendship and family, if you are just here to insult and cut down leave.
you know opinion is what you have told me then discuss what you told me with a MOD and give your opinion to them. to me its an assumption. The truth will be known as soon as it is fully available, but until then the bashing needs to stop. dont think your the only one or anyone else who has something to risk. I included have lost, however I until I know for sure I still dont bash but speak the truth and what I know now is these Mods are doing there best at what job they were given to do.

ok..your right lets just say i know what i need to. But thanks for making that clear.
thanks strider - hopefully everyone here sees this and try's to understand the position we're all in.

You're right to say companies/sources come and go. They always will, we just try to help minimize the losses.
Hey guys!

You guys dont need to thank anyone but yourselfs. This board has been up for a long time...and I hope it will continue. Its a hard taking on responsibility and looking out for everyone else..been there. I am sure that many will agree whether they like it or not it's a big shit sandwich and we all have to take a bite!

You do what you have to and as long as we are all still posting then your doing it well.

Just do your best and only your best will do.