labido who?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Out of all test prop must be the weakest for labido.

I offically have none.

Does anyone else have this problem while doing prop? Or is it just me?
i have the opposite effect wtih drive goes through the damn roof..what else you taking and what doses?
Thats what I was affraid of. I noticed this cycle has been very hard on my system.I can muster enough engergy to have KILLER workouts, nothing left for cardio... Nothing left for much of anything. This has been the same through my whole 1 month cycle. Im not complaining cause I dont have a girlfriend, just worried incase I ever do.

100 mgs test prop ed.
50 mgs tren (short easter) ed. (only for the last 2 weeks)
50 mgs winny eod.
Just started 44 ius IGF 4 days ago.
getting ready to stop in 2 weeks, will complete a 8 week cycle.
what brand are you using? Pm me it...sounds like something isnt right...700mgs of test a week should hvae that libidio soaring...maybe try uppin it a little more...
Oh.. I should also add that I do b12 every 3 days or so... 1500mgs??

My diet is very clean, I do my best to get atleast 8hours sleep.
with that much prop you should be humping holes in your wall especially with tren in there.......IP is right, somethin just aint right.

If all your gear is legite then it might be a simple case of "to much of a good thing"

I have a buddy who says he goes limp for the first few weeks of his cycle then after that he's all good.
I just saw misfits pictures.... I got a tickel!! But, I think she'd give a dead dude a boner...
Maybe its cause Im an incel?? I havent gotten laid in like a year... and that was with a fat chick, so it dosent really count, so its been more like 2 years.

My energy/ appetite is way down too....

Its like I said, I have enough for an intense workout... but other than that Im a couch potatoe.