Landmark chemicals

Without a prescription it is. I have a 1 for Test Cyp. They were clear from the beginning they were not after me for the test but they did still warn me.
Scary experience.

I guess it wasn't "SCARY" enough considering your other post here looking for someone to make you labels for 10ml vials.
Yes. Didn't seem they had much info and were fishing. They were clear from the phone call I was not being charged. The testosterone didn't get caught by customs and DHS asked about it. I told them because of the enormous price increase in testosterone I was turning to HK for supply. They didn't ask about test quantity and I didn't say. They wanted everything I could tell them about Landmark, which wasn't much as contact was thru wickr.
The asked a LOT about the dark web and transaction there. I told them I don't even know what the dark web is. That was pretty honest, I still don't. Don't want to know.
They had visited my house and made comments about the layout of the land, ect. All before I knew I was on any radar. They warned me about any future dealings and there would be no warnings in the future.
Gods honest truth.

- - - Updated - - -

I guess it wasn't "SCARY" enough considering your other post here looking for someone to make you labels for 10ml vials.
Now that sounds mighty condescending coming from a "Muscle Chemistry guru" on a Steroid Discussion board on Landmark Chemicals.
I would describe it as being facetious. Whereas condescension is more of a superiority over others type of deal like you find with far too many in law enforcement.

As for my guru status on this site , in this forum, on this topic - - - I dont see your point.

It simply sounded like a bullshit story. My apologies for trying to sugar coat that comment in my earlier posts.
They are and have been willing to send me kits for..... cheap cheap cheap to have tested with bloods.

I doubt the OP about landmarks hgh because I know there hgh and many other good generics I am using comes from same place.

Some of u guys think hgh is from this place only Lol
There. Or only 3-4 facilitates on that end that can produce hgh and almost all generic this top that top your top my top is from one of those same places
All same almost!!

I don't want of need their hgh!! Atm!!

HGH is so fragile maybe something happened a long the way or it got hot???

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